The entire state of Indiana is invited
NFL Opening Game
Pan Am Plaza - Across from RCA Dome
Thursday, Sept 6th - Meet at 6pm
Bring your assessment (or facsimille) to put in the giant tea bag
At 8pm we march to the Downtown Canal to dunk the tea bag once more
National and local media will be downtown
...bring your signs or use ours
Make sure the rest of America
hears our message that we expect
property tax to be repealed in Indiana!
1 comment:
Yeah, I showed up and paid extra for parking to get there on time, but nothing was going on. Downtown was a mess and this was probably not the best place to have a protest. Pan Am was full of Colts activities and I think they made you take your sign down at some point and your tea bag didn't have anything in it when I saw it. I know your intent was right but I would have turned back at fall creek with the traffic unless I was actually going to the game. I tried talking to people who were tailgating and at the game about the protest and the reason for it but they weren't interested because of the excitement for the game. Nice try for publicity but you might want to rethink things a bit.
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