We're hearing all kinds of scary rumors today over at Indy Undercover including Peterson is paying people $20 to rent their front yards for his yard signs! We also hear that his campaigners get $10/hour to pretend they are Peterson's grass roots support.
Today a new website popped up to bring more attention to Monroe Gray's ethics demanding an invetigation. Like Peterson, Monroe was too stupid to buy his own name as a domain name. What kind of politician lets that happen?
Check it out! http://www.monroegray.com/
Monday, October 29, 2007
MonroeGray.com -- Everything you should know
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, October 29, 2007
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Has anyone seen all of the illegally placed Monroe Gray signs? One is in the median on 38th street.
how about the illegally placed democrat signs at sidener school. i think i'll call the school about that one.
call merle sidener middle school at 226.4259 and demand that they stop allowing political signs to be posted on their property along keystone avenue.
Political yard signs should just be illegal. They are often times placed illegally in the right-of-way, hard to tell if government employees are putting them up on the public dime, and they are usually left up from at least a month after the election. Plus, people should vote with their convictions, not who their neighbor is voting for.
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