"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Monday, November 19, 2007

James Mervilde: Washington Township School Superintendent's BLOATED CONTRACT

We thought the folks in Washington township (some of whom are facing 400%-plus property tax increases) might benefit from a peek at James Mervilde's contract. The Washington township school system is glutted with fat cat administrators who create ungodly sized budgets without so much as a minute's thought to the hardship they create upon the taxpayer. With a $250,000 salary made up of your tax dollars, I doubt the property tax crisis has much impact on Mervilde's life, do you? (Click any page for enlarged image)


Anonymous said...

Please don't forget about IPS. You have a lot of supporters in that district and the school board is simply clueless. In fact, we need to get them to NOT issue that third bond this spring. It would be yet another tax increase. Their consolidation program should allow them to save enough to halt it.

Anonymous said...

Good Grief. No wonder our taxes are so high.

$165,000/annually plus benefits, all for presiding over a failure.
