"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Governor Daniels reacts to struggling Indiana economy by ordering 5% budget cuts

Indiana flag shown in state of distress

Evidently the economic news, under the leadership of our legislators, is grim. No wonder. They spent the majority of the last general assembly arguing about gay marriage which is really about Republican far right wingers wanting votes from homo-haters. They even go so far as to bring children into their arguments for banning gay marriage.
We even have a politician who owns CSO Architects getting rich by setting up a political machine around a school system to spend exhorbitant amounts of money with their firm. Money we don't have to waste.
On the other hand, there are families who cannot afford their mortgages or to keep their homes because of property tax hikes. Protection of a homeowner's property rights also protects children, as it is inside our homes where children are protected from the world.
The day after property tax is repealed our state's economy will sky rocket. People will line up to buy property (even our city's 15,000 abandoned, blighted properties). Money will be spent to rehab these properties and new life will spring forth from the ashes.
For those with mortgages, they will see their mortgages go down significantly. In turn they WILL spend the money. They will improve their properties, perhaps buying windows or new furnances or other much needed home improvements that in turn give jobs to contractors and retailers, who in turn circulate the money they receive.

Right now most of Indiana is in a state of fear and with good cause. We don't trust our politicians and our collective worry and fear is being directly reflected in the economy. As evidenced by where we are now and who got us here, the politicians are not qualified as the experts to lead us out of this mess.

Cutting department budgets by 5% is good. Don't raise the budgets when the skies clear again.
Listen to the citizens and the experts WE say should be calling the shots to lead us into reform.
Our state needs to repeal property tax and we need to lead the nation into tax reform with the Fair Tax. Property tax repeal IS the answer. And most Americans want The Fair Tax which will make us competitive again within the global economy and free our people opressed by taxation.


Anonymous said...

Excellent. Freakin' legisltor-losers.

One nit-pick: Mortgage don't go down if property taxes are repealed. Only escrowed tax payments for people who have em. I've never had one. Most older mortgages didn't. I've always paid property taxes in May & Nov.

I say this because if more people actually paid attention instead of being lazy about have property taxes escrowed and just pay a little a month, those people would have realized that continuing to refinance their mortgages and not feeling the pain of property taxes didn't do them any favors. THey shoulda got mad a long time ago!

Anonymous said...

I certainly support your end goals, but this whole- "talking about marriage completely consumes every minute of debate" line is getting old because it's so ridiculous. Lawmakers can walk and chew gum at the same time. That means that they can manage to discuss more than one issue simultaneously. For that matter, the marriage amendment would fly through the legislature pretty quickly if Pat Bauer didn't make it so controversial. It could quickly be voted on as it will probably pass 80% to 20%.