"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Monday, February 11, 2008

A lesson in why your property taxes are so high

Welcome To My Tea Party reported last week on some interesting statistics from the Wilson Education Center, which is a government agency that supposedly gets volume discounts for Indiana's schools. The blog clearly shows how much extra taxpayers are spending for Wilson Education Center's discounted goods versus what taxpayers would pay if our lazy educrat administrators actually shopped their local businesses for bids.

Something tells us that a lot of businesses would be happy to give schools even a better deal, just because they want to be good citizens and help out our state. They also would probably benefit from a little free advertising by being able to put their sign in the school yard while they were working.

Sadly, the status quo keeps many qualified mom and pop businesses from getting to compete for local work in favor of hiring the big out-of-state companies like Tremco and their lobbyists they send to the state house each year to make sure you, the taxpayer, continues to get ripped off.

1 comment:

Diana Vice said...

Thanks to Hoosiers for Fair Taxation for helping to expose this multi-million dollar tax scam. I think we now have the attention of a few legislators and government officials thanks to folks like you.