For those who weren't already aware, I am the Libertarian candidate for Indiana's 7th District House of Representatives (Julia Carson's old district) in the Special Election on March 11.
I have made support for The FairTax a cornerstone of my campaign and committed that I would contact John Linder immediately to co-sign the bill if elected. I mention it briefly in one of the videos now posted at my campaign site.
On March 11th there is no "straight ticket" balloting, just three to choose from. If there was ever an opportunity for a straight-talking, independant candidate to do well, we think this is it. I would appreciate anyone and everyone getting the word out that we can send a message to Congress that people are tired of partisan shenanigans and want real "change" (since that's the buzz word of this election cycle).
I don't want to politicize our Fair Tax MeetUp group, but I did think it important and relevant, as I've always done in the past, to point out when we have candidates supporting The FairTax. I have certainly appreciated everyone's interest in HR 25 since I first got involved back in 2004 and, short of full repeal, believe HR 25 would be a vast improvement over the current system.
Unfortunately, it also means any official duties with Americans for Fair Taxation must be put on the backburner while I'm a candidate. Anyone interested in being an Assistant State Director should contact me or Ron Heilman (State Director in Ft. Wayne).
I will continue to support the MeetUp .Warm regards and good wishes to all, I have a campaign related event next Tuesday which would be our normal MeetUp night, I'm working to see how to best handle the conflict. Feel free to contact me with questions or anything you need relative to the Fair Tax.
Sean Shepard,
CandidateU.S. House of Representatives
Indiana's 7th District
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Letter from Sean Shepard to Indiana's FAIR TAX supporters
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, February 14, 2008
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Melyssa I guess your favorite chief Jim Greeson's at it again...apparently he's feeling might cocky right now and is starting an "racial cleansing" of the adminstartion in an effort to gain favor with Ballard. He quietly removing selected African-Americans within his administation to sheild his department against the racial backlash from last weeks article in the Star. Once these guys are removed he will then back fill the spots with those white males who are filing the law suit. Once completed he will go to Ballard and tell him he "solved" the problem, and this time he didn't shed one tear.
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