"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A most appropriate cartoon for election day

This cartoon is for the sheeple...click to enlarge it


Anonymous said...

<----NOT a sheeple. I voted for Shepard and I don't care if Carson wins because of it. It's time the people took a stand with our vote.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Sean as well and even met him later in the evening as the election returns were coming in.

Anonymous said...

You should have posted this cartoon when Greg Ballard was elected mayor! Talk about stupid!

Anonymous said...

You could make the argument, that there were a few more sheeple who voted fr George Bush last time around. Hence that idiot still occupies the White House. The same guy who thinks we'll spend $20-30 billion on the Iraqi war, and whose fighter jet landed on the deck of a carrier to declare "Mission Accomplished." (Which is more time in a fighter jet than he spent in the National Guard a few decades earlier...hmmmm)

Sheeple are not party-specific, rather, they seem to be issue-specific.