It was most disappointing to learn that "the good guys" lost two races yesterday. One was Senate District #30 to unseat Teresa Lubbers and the other was House Representative District #98 to unseat Bill Crawford.
Ken Morgan distributed 15,000 flyers and knocked on countless doors inside District #30 and worked 7 days a week. Abu Henderson put forth a similar effort in district #98. Both got only about 20% of the vote. Both of these men have given countless hours of volunteer work on the property tax front and deserved to win. Their efforts are much appreciated. If only more honorable people could get elected.
Here's a note we got today from Ken Morgan:
Hello Friends
Yesterday, the people, in considerable numbers, decided the important thing to do was vote in the Democratic primary. They ignored the Republican primary. Out of a population in district thirty, which may approach 160,000 people, only about 12,000 voted in the Republican primary. That was a decrease of about 1800 from the last primary. So we see that a tiny minority determines who runs for office.As a newcomer, I never expected to turn a large portion of the Republican core against their slated candidate.
However, it was my intention to motivate greater participation in the primary by people who usually do not vote in the primary. Despite the fact that we delivered 15,000 flyers, by hand, to as many households, and potentially reached twenty to thirty thousand voters, it appears that we persuaded virtually none to vote in the Republican primary.
It appears that we reached twenty percent of the core republican voters who were ready for a change, but the rest were satisfied with the status quo and leery of an unknown newcomer. Perhaps, if it had been an ordinary election, where Indiana's primary would not affect the presidential race, the outcome might have been different.
I wish to thank all those who contributed to this campaign with their money, their effort, and their hearts.
Ken Morgan
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Ken Morgan thanks his supporters
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
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Ken, we thank you for your efforts! I know I was not the only voter who went to bed last night extremely disappointed that none of the "good guys" won yesterday. As a diehard independent who hates having to declare either party to vote in the primary, I debated for awhile which way I wanted to go. I chose to take a Republican ballot because I really wanted to vote for you against that smug and totally unconcerned Teresa Lubbers. Please don't give up the fight!
My partner and I both picked Republican ballots to vote for Ken. I sure hope he runs again next time around! Thanks Ken for offering a fantastic option.
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