"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Party Unity My Ass!

PUMA: The popular T-shirt demonstrates the utter lack of unity that is the Democratic Party

Back on July 9th, we told you of a Rush Limbaugh prediction that Hillary would get the presidential nomination. Today we found out it is 50% true. Hillary's camp struck a deal with Obama and delegates will be allowed to nominate her at the convention.

Now, it might appear the nomination is a landslide for Obama. But troubling things for Obamessiah are coming to the surface such as the obvious forgery of Obama's birth certificate and a sex and drug trist back in 1999 with a tenacious gay man named Larry Sinclair. Sinclair claims that he had oral sex with Obama in a limo and that they scored and shared cocaine. Sinclair also says Obama visited him in his hotel the next day for a little more oral servicing and Larry was happy to oblige.

Sinclair is so hell bent that America will learn the truth about Obama that he has endured numerous death threats and took his message all the way to the National Press Club. The mainstream media won't touch these stories without bashing Larry Sinclair as insane...yet. But don't forget, mainstream media treated Bill Clinton's mistresses the same way.

No matter what, these allegations simply will not disappear from the blogs no matter how many Obamaniacs issue death threats and utilize other nasty tricks to silence these courageous voices who feel they have a truth that needs told.
Complicating things on another front are the activist demonstrators who are coming from all parts of the country to demonstrate against the corruption and insider cronyism politics that is the democratic party. The activists are uniting around a lead organization called Recreate 68. It looks like the protest organizers are ready with volunteers that include doctors and lawyers. Planned themed rallies are scheduled during each day of the convention which runs from August 25 - 28.
The local Denver government is also ready for the ensuing chaos and created a temporary jail the protestors are calling "Gitmo on Platte". Rest assured our government led by republicans and democrats is always there to make sure we do not have absolute free speech in America...especially that anti-establishment brand of free speech that is behind every positive change this country has ever known.
Blogs throughout the country are uniting small groups to organize as one for the Denver invasion. You can read about the plans of these so-called anarchist groups here throughout the constant coverage in Denver's newspaper.
Let's hope that the activist protests to take place at the Democratic convention will succeed in waking up many more Americans with the message that the republicans and democrats are in collusion and do not represent an America ruled by freedom, rights, and the law.
The signs of collusion are everywhere, even here in Indiana. Recently Jim Schellinger of CSO Architects, who lost the democratic nod to run for Governor to Jill Long Thompson, endorsed republican candidate Mitch Daniels.
Whether you are Republican or Democrat, your party left you and sold out your American ideals of freedom and fair taxation for theft and power a long time ago. The Republicans and Democrats should simply do away with the pretense and call themselves what they are, "The Cocktail Party".

Stop voting Republican and Democrat unless you like the direction our country is headed.

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