Note the girl's boots demonstrates the distance between your seat and the seat in front of you on the floor seating! Just try to politely get to your seats!! Those high quality chairs were the cheap kind you rent from caterers - this is the best L.O.S. could come up with? Oh my.

This is the now infamous port-o-pottie hallway set up for floor level patrons. No handwashing facilities - EWWW! I can't help but compare this to The Indianapolis Race for the Cure; they have 44,000 participants and set up port-o-potties along the walk but even they have portable handwashing stations!
I paid $99.50 (not including all the fees) for a ticket to sit on the floor at the first concert in the new Lucas Oil Stadium.
a. Floor seats were incredibly cheap folding chairs that when you sat in them they felt like they would collapse. I've been on the floor before and yes you get folding chairs but these were CHEAP, flimsy ones.
b. The floor seats were tied together by those plastic zip cords and placed so close together from the aisle in front of you that you couldn't get through the aisles without literally sitting on someone else's lap, and there wasn't enough room to stand to let people through. Because they were tied together people trying to let people in/out started pushing the chairs back (so squished the people behind even more); my knees were touching the seat in front of me!!
c. You couldn't hear anything. For paying a billion dollars in tax revenue someone should have thought how this facility was supposed to host things other than a football game. I mean that is how this was "sold" to us, that it will be a multi-purpose facility that will generate lots of revenue. News flash, glass and metal are NOT condusive for acoustics. Everything the performers did echoed so bad I discovered that plugging my ears made for a more enjoyable experience (but hard to drink or eat with fingers in both ears).
d. They put port-o-potties in a corridor for floor seating fans to use facilities. Otherwise we had to climb a huge flight of stairs to get to the first level to do so. Seriously a billion dollar facility and someone NEVER considered installing proper restroom facilities on the field level. Granted during football games regular fans won't have access to this hallway but again this was "sold" to us as being a multi-purpose facility that will generate lots of revenue!! So why wasn't it considered that during events other than football people at that level would need facilities??
I can just picture delegates from a Republican or Democratic National Convention being treated to these same conditions - NOT. In summary, Indianapolis is not going to get the type of events we are hoping for because of the new money pit that was NOT properly planned out. I am completely disgusted at what I saw and won't spend anymore of my hard earned money AT that facility - now of course as a tax payer I will be spending plenty of my hard earned money ON the facility!!!
--JC, concert goer
Big hat tip to Patriot Paul for sending us JC's letter. He also suggested that it is likely a board of health violation to sell food in a venue with restrooms that do not offer handwashing facilities. There's a rumor out there that Paul might start blogging and that would be a good thing.
1 comment:
Potapotties??? Waahhhtttt???
The number of restrooms was supposedly doubled (according to WTHR
Presumably this was fewer than the number of seats that should be sold for the super bowl, so do we expect this to repeat? Oh, that's a super image-builder for the city.
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