"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dr. Slogan's comments and blog links deserve a read

"Dr. Slogan" aka "Dr. Sanity" left some great comments today for us. I checked out the blogs he writes and thought they are worth mentioning. Who knows, maybe they'll become new favorites! --Melyssa for HFFT


This is the preview for things to come if Obama is elected.

It also higlights a major aspect of this election. It is not fact driven. It’s not that facts don’t matter. It’s that people who need to hear then the most (those who still don’t know how far-left Obama really is) don’t get these facts from the media. They don’t go to the blogs like this, they don’t read long data rich threads, they don’t watch scary YouTube kids-singing videos. We keep going down in polls because people listen to the huge propaganda machine–and take that BS at face value. What we need is an arsenal of conversation changers. These attention grabbers that make an impact in 5 sec. And THEN those whose opinions still can be changed may start reading more. Obama’s side if excellent in this. They have pros working around the clock on all sorts of visuals that go straight to the emotions level, bypassing the logic. Just take a look at this site to know what I’m talking about.

Can you name a single memorable anti-Obama poster that speaks to the center-leaning Democratic voter? I can’t. And to expose who Obama really is we need some of that. With my new blog and Facebook page I’ve started a new repository to fill this gap and hope it will take off and will be used. Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome.

- Jeff Tyler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Melyssa. I'm glad that my words have resonated with you. Just two weeks ago political blogging was the last thing on my mind, but with the craziness that seems to be taking over the country and all lies that media has been spreading I figured I have to do something. Even if all the graphics and posts I produce will chahnge a single vote, I'd still know it wasn't a wasted effort.

A small correction: Dr. Sanity is actually someone else, though with very similar views. I came across his very thoughtful blog after starting mine. It seems we have the same goals of keeping sanity in this world.

- Jeff (a.k.a. Dr. Slogan)