Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Shameful manners, short memories, betrayal: The Marion County GOP
In the summer of 2007, four key tax activists very much wanted to turn the council majority from Democrat to Republican. That was because of the outrageous taxpayer abuses we witnessed at council meetings at the hands of the Democratic majority.
Dave Bond, Jeff Hays, Ken Morgan, and I were meeting on my porch on a hot September day that year and decided that we were going to do everything in our power to help put control of the council into responsible hands that would put the people first. The Indiana Voters League Political Action Committee was born. Ken Morgan took care of the paperwork and we began the process of selecting and endorsing the candidates we wanted to control our council.
I set to work immediately, asked our volunteer advertising agency, Kron & Associates, to design the endorsement voter guide you see above. I then pledged the first couple hundred dollars to get the project moving. Others (mostly Libertarians) also pledged money and we paid to have 20,000 of the flyers printed and distributed hand-to-hand.
We endorsed 15 of the current sitting councilors, who now say nothing on our behalf. These individuals turned their backs on the hardest working supporters in the contentious campaign of 2007, many of whom are staunch Libertarians, who sacrificed much to help them win.
I ask of each of the councilors listed below, "What have you given back to us for our hard work and money invested on your behalf?"
It is time that each of you give back to us by demanding councilor Ed Coleman, now a Libertarian and member of the true minority party, be given a seat on all committees as required by the council's by-laws.
We say People before party bosses and politics!
Kent Smith
Barb Malone
Ryan Vaughn
Christine Scales
Virginia Cain
Janice McHenry
Robert Lutz
Dane Mahern, (D)
Susie Day
Ben Hunter
Lincoln Plowman
Jeffrey Cardwell
The biggest mistake we made when compiling our endorsements, was to not endorse Ed Coleman. For Ed is more philosophically principled that the rest of the winners we endorsed combined. When GOP party bosses told Ed to shut up about the CIB and other outrageous taxpayer abuses swept under the rug by politicians, he defected from his immoral party bosses in order to shine greater light on the sorry state of ethics practiced by our city leaders.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
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