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provided by the Indiana Voters League.
Candidates who are endorsed are welcome to participate.
Call 317-938-8913 to arrange pickup.
The activists intend to distribute 100,000 cards before election.
This is a ground campaign
financed by ordinary citizens
unlike Indianapolis has ever seen.
We intend to take this election from the politicians who failed to do our will.
financed by ordinary citizens
unlike Indianapolis has ever seen.
We intend to take this election from the politicians who failed to do our will.
Saturday, October 27, 2:00 pm, Monument Circle, Indianapolis (RAIN OR SHINE)
Another protest is brewing just in time for the coming elections because the public has had enough empty rhetoric, posturing and inaction by many of their elected representatives. We've asked for action and changes to our tax policies including the total elimination of property taxes. Further, we demand that all levels of government cut spending, prioritize expenses and find ways to do more with less, just as citizens are being asked to do. We will tolerate nothing less than transparency, accountability and ethical behavior by ALL of our elected representatives at EVERY level of government.
Event Details
On Saturday, October 27th, there will be a massive protest at Monument Circle, starting at 2 p.m. This event will unite all Hoosiers, whether Republicans, Democrats, or or poor...homeowners or renters.
Event: Tax Scammed Saturday
Date: Saturday October 27th
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Monument Circle - Downtown Indianapolis
Events: Public Speech Forum - south side of the monument
Activist Leaders / Public officials - north side of the monument.
Informational booths, speaker forums and various events will be set up around Monument Circle. These are frightening times for our city and state so scary costumes and grim reapers are welcomed. The time is now to vote out the corruption of our city and send a strong message to our state representatives that property taxes must be eliminated! We are spreading the word to every neighborhood in this city as this promises to be a protest and party like no other!
We are meeting at 5:30 pm in front of the City County Building on Monday, 29 October, for a costumed protest of the CCC. This is the LAST FULL COUNCIL meeting before the election next week.
The cartoonist, Rinky Dink, has made masks in the form of the usual suspects on the council.
If we want to win, we have to get everyone's attention. The Monday before Halloween would be a VERY GOOD TIME to do that! Who's in?
I would like to say Thank You, whole-heartedly for your endorsement!
Michael Hegg
(R) At-Large, City County Council candidate
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