"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Paparazzi Tax Activists Crash Democratic Fundraiser Supporting Corrupt City Council President Monroe Gray

Tax Activist Melyssa Donaghy
(Democrat Wilson T. Allen in background)

Activist paparazzi more photos
In spite of democrat dumpster diver Wilson T. Allen's pre-event assertion that the protestor paparazzi would be racist and white, you can see that we are black, white, Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian unified in our fight to expose corruption within the Marion County Democratic party.

The invitation to attend Monroe Gray's fundraiser targeted minority business owners with a letter threatening that if the city council changed, contract awards to minorities could be in jeapordy. We call foul. We know that the contract award system in city government is not transparent and we know that the city does not award proper quotas to MBE's, in spite of the city's claim to the contrary. Despite numerous attempts by lawyer activist Darla Williams to get 2005 and 2006 numbers for minority contract awards, she still has not been given the documents that any citizen has the right to oversee.

Expect a protest/rally soon during a city council meeting to bring attention to voters of the city's deceptive practices regarding minority contract awards. We demand to know the accounting of city contract awards to minorities in 2005 and 2006.


Anonymous said...

I didn't see too many minority business people there. Mostly the typical rogue's gallery of white Democrat contributors.

Was Bill Mays there? Or Lacy Johnson?

Patriot Paul said...

Wow, a property tax advocate's nightmare come true. The property tax protesters have a paparazzi wing. You never know when or where they will appear. Is that Monroe Gray's new Pea-shake house sponsoring the fundraiser? A passerby knocked on their door only to use a cell phone and was turned away. Cameras caught Demos in the act of turning away a minority, people they claim to represent. The passerby was able to use a protester's cell phone. Guess protestors care more about the average joe that those Demos attending this function. Was there drinking in there? Next time I'm bringing hors'd'oeuvres for the protestors. Two thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

Not a lot of MBE's in the pictures. Not a lot of attendees period.

Are these pictures inclusive? Was that everybody who showed up (through the front door)?

Did Monroe Gray just breeze in from the golf course? Or is that standard Deputy Chief attire?

Patriot Paul said...

I think a word should be coined for administrators and legislators, including the school board and assessors. How about "Taxarazzi". These Taxarazzies are those who find clever ways to pass excessive taxes, have tunnel vision and cannot see how taxes can be levied without involving property. They have no clue how to restrain themselves and are driven by the incessant desire to control others and justifibly should be called tax terrorists because of the damage they have done to our economy and the annual threats of seizure of property owner's homes. These taxarazzies are finding every way imaginable to extract a pound of flesh at every turn. So stay on the alert. The paparazzi style arm of the protesters will keep the taxarazzies at bay only with your help. Stay tuned daily to this website.

Bart Lies said...

Yes, that's everybody who showed. Monroe didn't arrive at his own fundraiser until 10 minutes after the time it was to ahve ended (which was 7pm).

Imagine that, the guest of honor arrives after the paying guests have almost all left.

Sir Hailstone said...

Hey all did you see you made a mention in the "Behind Closed Doors" column of the Ryerson Rag?