IMPORTANT WEATHER UPDATE: Please check here Friday morning before 8:30 am to see if the rally is cancelled due to weather. We're expecting heavy sleet, ice, snow starting at 7pm tonight and continuing until at least noon tomorrow. --HFFT editor
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (please forward)
Melyssa Donaghy 317-938-8913
Property Tax Rally
February 1, 2008
Noon at The State House

Citizens statewide are coming on Friday to let their legislators know they have had enough of the cronyism and politics in the state house. We are coming to tell the legislators that they are to put the People's interests first.HOOSIERS FOR FAIR TAXATION will be there on Friday for ALL of Indiana's citizens. We do not support the marriage amendment or any other legislation that steals attention from our state's tax crisis. We support open, accountable government that uses our money wisely.
While Eric Miller's Advance America has done much to push property tax repeal, he now drives a wedge into the property tax repeal momentum by attaching citizen activism to his christian right agenda as he joins the marriage amendment to a property tax rally.
We expect the government to get out of our personal lives. Since politicians have proven they cannot effectively govern the government with our best interests in mind, why would we want them involved in our personal relationships?
We expect the government to get out of our personal lives. Since politicians have proven they cannot effectively govern the government with our best interests in mind, why would we want them involved in our personal relationships?
Join us at noon on Friday and look for the giant banner that says: "Politicans, do you want our houses?" Bring signs and posters. Let them know you are voting them out in November.
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