Two proposals were passed Monday night in the Indianapolis City-County Council, naming two “well-known” Libertarians to the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals.
Proposal 19 appoints Brad Klopfenstein to the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals, Division II. Brad is the former Executive Director of the Libertarian Party of Indiana. It passed 25-4. The dissenting councilors, all Democrats, were Joanne Sanders, Monroe Gray, Paul Bateman and Angela Mansfield.
Proposal 20 appoints Timothy Maguire to the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals, Division I. Tim was a Libertarian candidate for Indianapolis City-County Council At-large in 2007. The proposal passed 24-5. The dissenting councilors, all Democrats, were Joanne Sanders, Monroe Gray, Paul Bateman, Angela Mansfield and William Oliver.
“Both Brad and Tim should be congratulated for obviously having a good reputation and respect in the community,” said Mark Rutherford, former State Chair of the Libertarian Party of Indiana. “It says a lot about all of the Republicans and most of the Democrats on the City-County Council that they set partisanship aside to put talented Libertarians on these two important boards.”
The Metropolitan Boards of Zoning Appeals serve a population of over 800,000 people.
Klopfenstein and Maguire ran active campaigns for City-County Council in 2003 and 2007 respectively, and both were endorsed by the Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police. Brad now works for the Indiana License Beverage Association, while Timothy Maguire works in the financial services industry. Both are great champions of liberty and the rule of law.
The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States, and is the only non-major party with ballot access in the state of Indiana. Libertarians believe in being SERVED by a small non-intrusive government that is financially responsible, administratively competent and socially tolerant.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Klopfenstein and Maguire Named to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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Contray to rumors, Brad Klopfenstein is not a registered lobbyist.
This is a very exciting thing to see happen!
This just goes to show the supreme significance and value for Libertarians to run for elections, especially local elections, even if people think they don’t have a chance to win.
Because even if they don’t get elected they may have an influence on local (or, in national races, national) policy and, better yet, just may be appointed to office.
This just makes me realize more and more the importance of Libertarian candidates to become very well educated in their ability to deliver the Libertarian message in a successful manner.
To this end I encourage prospective Libertarian candidates (myself included!) to visit The Advocates For Self-Government, the premier Libertarian activist education organization. They offer videos, books, audio cassettes, cd’s, etc. to teach Libertarians the message of Liberty and how to deliver it.
In Freedom & Liberty,
Ryan Brennan
Ryan, Thanks for dropping in our blog and we'll be sure to link you the sites on our roll.
hoosiers for fair taxation, I would be most appreciative of that, thank you very much!
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