"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"

"The Official Portrait of Miss InDiana"
aka "Miss Victory"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Drudge Report: "BIGGEST GOVERNMENT EVER: Treasury revenue, spending at record highs in April..."

The Drudge Report has been interesting lately to say the least. Today Drudge tells us: "BIGGEST GOVERNMENT EVER: Treasury revenue, spending at record highs in April..."

See what voting the status quo republican/democrat gets you?

Yesterday, the word "Libertarian" appeared on a Drudge Report headline announcing Bob Barr's intent to get the Libertarian nomination.

And today, the word "Libertarian" appears once again. This time stating that Bob Barr intends to win.

Do you think enough people are sick of the status quo yet to elect a third party candidate that stands for smaller government, fiscal conservatism, and personal freedom?

Or do you think America will vote in another politician to deliver more of the same abuse to the American citizen?

1 comment:

hart02 said...

you ought to vote for someone that fits what this article says http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/fifty-habits-of-highly-successful-people.html
