the rogues in the line up are democrats and republicans
both politicial parties are equally complicit
Doomed by repetition
In 2003-2004, then Governor of Indiana, Frank O'Bannon, was faced with a property tax crisis. The Indiana Supreme Court had made a decision to force property assessment into a Market Valuation system. O'Bannon used this as a vehicle to push forward the removal of Business Inventory taxes, permanently and, constitutionally. The law of unintended (Or, possibly intended) consequences was soon apparent to homeowners.
The reassessment resulted in skyrocketing assessments of home values and, insurmountable tax increases for countless families, businesses and farmers. There were protests at the State House. There were calls to clean out political houses. Although, Most of the players in 2003 are still in office today. Then, O'Bannon came up with his solution.
O'Bannon's solution was to increase the state sales tax by 16 % and, use those monies to offset and, lower the increases caused by Inventory tax elimination and assessment changes, in the 2004 session. He realized that there would be no elections in 2005 so, most of the seats to maintain status quo, would be safe.
In the year 2005, subsequent tax bills saw no decreases and, in many cases steep increases, despite the hollow promises of the Governor and Legislature. This was explained away with the riddle of: The increases in the property taxes were actually a decrease. As the increases were not as large as we had projected. Therefore; your 100% increase, was actually a decrease of 66%, due to the fact that we had originally projected a 300% increase .
They hit pockets and places. Being careful not to hit areas too close together or, where public opinion would suggest they were unjust in doing so. They hit affluent areas repeatedly, to take advantage of public sentiment painting them with the brush of whining rich folks . They hit poor areas, knowing the people had no voice. Besides, gentrification is a major part of their agenda. How can their be elitism without elite places for them?
Fast forward to 2007-2008
In 2007, Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels is faced with a property tax crisis. The Indiana Supreme Court had made a decision to force property assessment into a Market Valuation system had been proven to be an utter failure. O'Bannon's lieutenant, Joe Kernan, who was previously used as a vehicle to push forward justification of the removal of Business Inventory taxes, permanently and, constitutionally, was being used again. This time it came with a twist. The main players from the 2003 debacle (Kernan & Shepherd), were sent to gather invisible wool for the Emperor's new cloak. They presented the Heretical suggestion of reducing "government". And, once again, the law of unintended (Or, possibly intended) consequences was soon apparent to homeowners .
Once again, the reassessment resulted in skyrocketing reassessment of home values and, insurmountable tax increases for countless families, businesses and farmers. Once again, there were protests at the State House. Once again there calls to clean out political houses. Then, Daniels came up with his solution .
Daniels' solution was to increase the state sales tax by 17 % and, use those monies to offset and, lower the increases caused by Inventory tax elimination and assessment changes, in the 2004 session. He realized that there would be no elections in 2009 so, most of the seats to maintain status quo, would be safe. Most of the usual suspects in the 2008 primaries have slid back on their own slime trails, and will still be in office come November. Kernan and Shepherd would be exonerated of their crimes, by coming into the fold. They became Mitch the Magician's assistants, a distraction while the rabbit is pulled from the hat. Kenley, and his commission, being the hat. And, HEA 1001, the rabbit.
In the mean time --
Daniels' wants you to accept his solution (Remember, Kool-Aide is a solution!) of amending the constitution to serve the government's purpose, by 2012. By insisting that you remove the provisions of Uniform and Equal taxation (Art. 10, Sec. 1), Debt Limitation (Art.13, Sec. 1) and funding of schools coming ONLY from the taxes on the property of corporations (Art 8, Sec 2), they are demanding that you forfeit all of your rights to property---Except at their bidding and, only with their approval---The precise definition of a Feudal State.
In short, they are asking you to build your own cross and, nail yourself to it. Then they will tax you for not being able to nail down both of your hands, without their assistance.
PS: Enjoy your Local Option Income Tax Increases, TOO!
In 2003-2004, then Governor of Indiana, Frank O'Bannon, was faced with a property tax crisis. The Indiana Supreme Court had made a decision to force property assessment into a Market Valuation system. O'Bannon used this as a vehicle to push forward the removal of Business Inventory taxes, permanently and, constitutionally. The law of unintended (Or, possibly intended) consequences was soon apparent to homeowners.
The reassessment resulted in skyrocketing assessments of home values and, insurmountable tax increases for countless families, businesses and farmers. There were protests at the State House. There were calls to clean out political houses. Although, Most of the players in 2003 are still in office today. Then, O'Bannon came up with his solution.
O'Bannon's solution was to increase the state sales tax by 16 % and, use those monies to offset and, lower the increases caused by Inventory tax elimination and assessment changes, in the 2004 session. He realized that there would be no elections in 2005 so, most of the seats to maintain status quo, would be safe.
In the year 2005, subsequent tax bills saw no decreases and, in many cases steep increases, despite the hollow promises of the Governor and Legislature. This was explained away with the riddle of: The increases in the property taxes were actually a decrease. As the increases were not as large as we had projected. Therefore; your 100% increase, was actually a decrease of 66%, due to the fact that we had originally projected a 300% increase .
They hit pockets and places. Being careful not to hit areas too close together or, where public opinion would suggest they were unjust in doing so. They hit affluent areas repeatedly, to take advantage of public sentiment painting them with the brush of whining rich folks . They hit poor areas, knowing the people had no voice. Besides, gentrification is a major part of their agenda. How can their be elitism without elite places for them?
Fast forward to 2007-2008
In 2007, Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels is faced with a property tax crisis. The Indiana Supreme Court had made a decision to force property assessment into a Market Valuation system had been proven to be an utter failure. O'Bannon's lieutenant, Joe Kernan, who was previously used as a vehicle to push forward justification of the removal of Business Inventory taxes, permanently and, constitutionally, was being used again. This time it came with a twist. The main players from the 2003 debacle (Kernan & Shepherd), were sent to gather invisible wool for the Emperor's new cloak. They presented the Heretical suggestion of reducing "government". And, once again, the law of unintended (Or, possibly intended) consequences was soon apparent to homeowners .
Once again, the reassessment resulted in skyrocketing reassessment of home values and, insurmountable tax increases for countless families, businesses and farmers. Once again, there were protests at the State House. Once again there calls to clean out political houses. Then, Daniels came up with his solution .
Daniels' solution was to increase the state sales tax by 17 % and, use those monies to offset and, lower the increases caused by Inventory tax elimination and assessment changes, in the 2004 session. He realized that there would be no elections in 2009 so, most of the seats to maintain status quo, would be safe. Most of the usual suspects in the 2008 primaries have slid back on their own slime trails, and will still be in office come November. Kernan and Shepherd would be exonerated of their crimes, by coming into the fold. They became Mitch the Magician's assistants, a distraction while the rabbit is pulled from the hat. Kenley, and his commission, being the hat. And, HEA 1001, the rabbit.
In the mean time --
Daniels' wants you to accept his solution (Remember, Kool-Aide is a solution!) of amending the constitution to serve the government's purpose, by 2012. By insisting that you remove the provisions of Uniform and Equal taxation (Art. 10, Sec. 1), Debt Limitation (Art.13, Sec. 1) and funding of schools coming ONLY from the taxes on the property of corporations (Art 8, Sec 2), they are demanding that you forfeit all of your rights to property---Except at their bidding and, only with their approval---The precise definition of a Feudal State.
In short, they are asking you to build your own cross and, nail yourself to it. Then they will tax you for not being able to nail down both of your hands, without their assistance.
PS: Enjoy your Local Option Income Tax Increases, TOO!
(One of the most dedicated of the dedicated tax activists penned this column and we are grateful for it.)
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