For quite sometime, this blog restricted the comment feature to registered users. From now on any reader can comment anonymously and their comments will be moderated before they go live.
As you know, I am a defender of free speech, so I will approve any comment posted as long as it is not malicious. Criticism is always accepted, however, not necessarily heeded.
Of course, I expect we will get a lot of comments from anonymous posters. However, it would be grand if you signed your name with your comments. Your message will carry more weight when you demonstrate the courage and conviction to attach your name to your beliefs.
If you want to submit an article to be published, please submit it to
Thanks for reading and we hope we have some influence your decisions this November, for your government does not necessarily have the best interest of you, your children, or you grandchildren at heart.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
No more restrictions: Comment freely on this blog
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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It is about time! Thank you.
Who said that?
What happened to the Sean Dix story?
The story was deleted inadvertently while updating the blog. Didn't have time to put it back up.
So when will it (Sean Dix) be going back up?
This story illustrates probably the most important unaddressed issue in society today.
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