I received a phone call today from a very polite young man at GOP HQ who said I had been identified as a Ballard supporter who would volunteer for his campaign activities.
He staffer did not know who I am. I explained the tax activist movement I led in 2007 that was key in ushering in his victory. I explained that citizens like myself worked thousands of hours in extremes of weather to help get Ballard elected, to be betrayed in the end.
I emphasized that Ballard will not get our support again unless he keeps his campaign promises to end country club politics, to not raise even a single tax, and said we expect Mayor Ballard to join with city councilman Ed Coleman and call for the CIB to file bankruptcy so that The People can renegotiate all the bad contracts entered into by previous administrations.
I also warned that folks are already planning now to actively work against Mayor Ballard in his re-election bid if he fails to do the above.
The volunteer staffer told me he would have someone higher up call me back.
I do not hold my breath that call will come.
--Melyssa for HFFT
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Melyssa called to volunteer for Ballard's re-election campaign
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, May 21, 2009
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Wil a 2nd set of promises really do the trick, Melyssa?
Fool me once...
If Ballard LED and got us out of the CIB mess without raising taxes, and did everything he could to expose the agendas of those responsible for this mess, I would be very open to supporting him again.
However, Ballard is a middle manager and doesn't know squat about leadership.
I don't know if Coleman supports bankruptcy of the CIB as a preferred option.
It has been discussed amongst the LP folks though and my opinion was that there might be negative consequences in the credit market, even if only in the perception of the creditworthiness of Indianapolis, that might make that option unattractive and could increase cost on other bond debt.
Sean, there might well be an initial 'hit' on the creditworthiness, but I have to think that long-term, seeing the city take the bull (pun intended) by the horns and setting us on a profitable course, would HAVE to be good for the places that rate a city's credit standing. As it stands, we have 30 years of bad, perhaps insurmountable, debt staring us in the face.
I'm pretty darn sure Coleman is down with the bankruptcy. I better double check and write a retraction if I'm wrong on this.
Coleman is a joke. The Mayor is smart to distance himself from that goober.
Coleman is a joke. The Mayor is smart to distance himself from that goober.
Coleman is a joke. The Mayor is smart to distance himself from that goober.
The CIB cannot file for bankruptcy. State law does not allow it and Indiana lawmakers are not going to grant it.
Plus, the CIB is an arm of the city of Indianapolis, so as long as there is tax revenue, no court would ever allow bankruptcy to go through.
Go bankrupt. Never mind the credit costs SINCE the over use of credit has been THE problem. The citizens would be better off with a FFF credit rating BECAUSE then our elected idiots could only spend what they could steal from living taxpayers instead of from future ones. This advice, by the way, was early on imparted to our Governor along with the suggestion that he CLOSE the bond bank.
I doubt the CIB BK would affect the City's rating since they are separate entities, but I haven't talked to anyone who knew for sure either way.
As far as Ballard's re-election effort, this would be news...as he has not declared. I think he would have trouble getting out of the GOP primary and has zero chance of winning a general election. And would you really want him for another term? I'm not sure he could be doing a worse job.
I would add, that you may not have to file bankrutpcy at all. Once the legislature gives the CIB the authority to file, you're going to see people like the Colts, Pacers and othrs have a whole new attitude about helping the CIB out BEFORE filing BK.
You have got to be kidding me. Don't forget our cook out on June 10th. Also, If you want to invite Paul it is fine with me.
HFT, I got the same call and amazingly, my comments were pretty much the same as yours. Right down to the we will work twice as hard to remove him.
Anonymous and Inquiring mind...too cowardly to post your name to your opinion?
I'll have you know that by and large the tax activists (those people that worked to get Ballard elected)have a great deal of respect for Coleman because he's the only one with the kahunas to do what is right by The People and put us before party.
You must be one of those party insiders that is just incensed that Coleman rocked the boat.
Alas, we'll never know because you don't even have the courage to post under your own name. Ashamed of your opinion?
You are wrong. There is no prohibition in state law on the CIB filing bankrutpcy. Chapter 9 of the Bankrutpcy Code, which is a federal law, however, probably requires that the CIB get a BK authorization from the legislature. That's not exactly a problem. The General Assembly almost certainly would authorize a BK filing upon request of the CIB and the Mayor's office.
No, the CIB is not an "arm" of the City. It is established as a a separate entity by the Indiana General Assembly. The notion that a bankruptcy judge would not approve a CIB BK filing shows a lack of familiarity with how bankrutpcy works. There is no question that the CIB would qualify for a BK if they filed. Of all the questions raised by this option, the ability of the CIB to qualify for a bankrutpcy is not even remotely a close question considering its balance sheet.
I agree Melyssa. Nobody else on the Council, Republican or Democrat, had the courage to even ask questions about the CIB, except for Ed Coleman. That speaks volumes.
If rumors are true and your planning a run against Ballard please sign me up as a volunteer in the early phases.
I think I still have the original volunteer list from the party at the firefighters union hall we had for Ballard on Dec 31st 2007 when 300 or so of us showed up and when he announced Newman
( what a pick ) as Public Safety Director.
Flipper...Paul hasn't said he's going to run for mayor...but I sure want him to do so!
First, a determination would have to be made as to whether the CIB is an arm of the City. If it is, then it would be doubtful as to whether bankruptcy would be an option; the bankruptcy court would not allow an arm of the City to have its debts discharged and contracts voided if the City itself is solvent. If the CIB is not an arm of the City but some sort of independent entity, then it probably could file for bankruptcy.
The facts militate for the CIB being an arm of the City, though. Its members are appointed by the Mayor and CCC. It has no power to independently levy taxes or float bonds. On the flip side, the CIB can own property in its own name.
Where does this "arm of the city" nonsense come up? They are set up as a separate municipal entity. They can file bankrutpcy every bit as much as the Waterworks Board, the Airport Board, etc. The fact that they can't raise taxes or float boands on their own has nothing to do with whether they are eligibile for bankrtupcy.
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