"They marched in protest. A silent procession of a people grasping for one last chance to resist. Shamefully admitting they only have themselves to blame for government policies that threaten their way of life, their security, and the future of democracy in Britain."
Sunday, January 18, 2009
ENGLAND: " I Love My Country, But Fear My Government"
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M Theory
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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England is America's "canary in the coal mine".
"Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean You're Wrong"
by Patrice Lewis
Recently, a friend sent me a sobering video clip http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4069761537893819675&p%20r=goog-sl.
It features Texas State Rep. Dr. Susan Gratia-Hupp testifying before
the U.S. Senate on the Second Amendment. It was sobering because Ms.
Gratia-Hupp described the fatal mistake of not carrying her handgun the
day she went with her parents to a cafeteria. An insane gunman burst
in, spraying gunfire and killing both her parents along with many
When something tragic like this happens, people interpret it in one of two
ways. Politicians and liberals think, "Aha. An insane gunman burst into
a cafeteria and sprayed it with gunfire, killing many people. We need
to ban guns. Of course, this won't keep insane gunmen from getting
guns, but that's OK." Constitutionalists and (ahem) normal people
think, "Aha. An insane gunman burst into a cafeteria and sprayed it
with gunfire, killing many people. We need to make it easier for
law-abiding citizens to carry guns so this guy could have been taken
There is a fundamental difference between these two responses. Unfortunately,
it's the former and not the latter response that gets turned into laws.
This is because the latter position gives power to the people. The
former position gives power to the government. Of course the government will choose the former. Duh.
But what riveted me about the video was not the horrible story of the
gunman. It was Ms. Gratia-Hupp's final words: "I've been sitting here
getting more and more fed up with all of this talk about these pieces
of machinery having no legitimate sporting purpose. No legitimate
hunting purpose. People, that is NOT THE POINT of the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting … it's about our rights
… to protect OURSELVES from all of YOU guys up there."
In other words, gun ownership protects US from THEM.
We always forget (or are NOT TAUGHT) that the Revolutionary War was NOT a
well-armed militia fighting against a FOREIGN government. They were
fighting their OWN government, a government that had grown from a
"dangerous servant" into a "fearful master."
Those who understand the Bill of Rights are paranoid that our guns are being
taken away little by little. We're told we're wrong. When Obama
condescendingly assures us that it's not necessary to stock up on guns
prior to his swearing in, he is deliberately missing the point. Guns
aren't just for homeowners concerned about personal safety. Guns are to
protect US from THEM.
"Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear," Obama smoothly told us in a December statement. "I think people can take me at my word."
We're not taking him at his word – we're taking him at his voting
record. Fortunately, a lot of people don't believe him, and that's why
gun sales are up 50 percent by some accounts.
What Obama and his ilk don't want to admit – and by not admitting, they also
DON'T WANT TO REMIND US – is that the original purpose of the Second
Amendment was precisely that: to protect US from THEM. The abuses of
government are kept in check by the threat of an armed citizenship.
Only by recognizing the potential for the citizenship to actively
defend their own GOD-GIVEN rights ("… that they are endowed by their
CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights …") will government officials
abide by their constitutionally defined limitations.
Consider the following scenario. A robber is walking along looking for a place
to rob, when the road splits. A sign pointing to the left says, "This
way to Idiotville, a gun-free town." A sign pointing to the right says,
"This way to Toughville, where every household has a gun." Which road
do you think the robber will take?
Consider the following scenario: Politicians are walking along looking for a
country to dominate, when the road splits. A sign pointing to the left
says, "This way to Idiot Country, a place where the citizens passively
roll over and do what they're told." A sign pointing to the right says,
"This way to Tough Country, where everyone is armed and no one will
give up their guns." Which road do you think the politicians will take?
And now we learn that Obama has appointed Eric Holder as U.S. attorney
general – an "anti-gun extremist who has assailed gun owners since his
days in the Bill Clinton administration," according to the Gun Owners of America website.
Oh, but let's not forget Obama telling us that "lawful gun owners have
nothing to fear. … I think people can TAKE ME AT MY WORD."
See? Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're wrong.
You can't admit to being paranoid, of course. That's because paranoia is a mental condition, and Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois is pushing a firearm licensing bill
that requires gun owners, among other things, to submit their mental
health records. Does spittin' mad count as a mental condition?
But "criminals seek out victims who are not going to fight back or offer
resistance, let alone shoot them," observed Joseph Farah in a December 2008 commentary. The exact, precise sentiment can be offered with a one-word replacement: Politicians seek out victims who are not going to fight back or offer resistance, let alone shoot them.
But we're too busy gobbling up socialized medicine, food stamps, welfare,
subsidized housing, and business and mortgage bailouts from the
government trough. The list of goodies we're offered is endless, and
endlessly diverting. As long as we're getting everything free, we don't
notice what's being taken away. Our heads are in the trough and our
rumps are in the air, waiting to be kicked.
Thomas Jefferson prophetically said it best: "A government big enough to give
you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
So shout it with me: Just because you're paranoid DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE WRONG.
"To gun owners in America: It will happen to you if you let it."
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