Media Contact: Melyssa Donaghy
938-8913 or
The non-partisan activist group HOOSIERS FOR FAIR TAXATION plans to photograph and video attendees of democratic fundraiser for minority business invitees on October 3rd at from 5:30 pm to 7pm at 1449 North Pennsylvania.
We are watch dogs for city council corruption and were alerted to a fundraiser organized by former Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Robin Winston appealing to minority contractors on behalf of Democratic CCC members with a warning of possible changes if Democrats failed to maintain control of the council.
Winston, whose website describes his firm as the "largest minority-owned government affairs, community relations and public outreach firm in Indiana" tells the minority contractors they can't "afford" to let Democrats lose control of the CCC.
For the record, Republicans have three African-American candidates for the CCC, including Bruce Henry in District 1 and at-large candidates Barbara Malone and Kent Smith. The Democrats have ten African-American candidates for the CCC.
Here is the full text of Winston's letter.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Posted by
M Theory
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Property Taxes Too Much? Now City Demands Cops Issue More Tickets
We saw this on Indy Undercover today and are not surprised. This city's administration wants to get every cent they can from you...even if it means forcing our very unhappy police force to write more tickets and meet quotas. If you don't yet read Indy Undercover, you should.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Memo to Indiana Farm Bureau: Cutting property tax by 1/3 does not equal REPEAL !
You may recall that back in August we touted Indiana Farm Bureau's State Fair efforts to rally Hoosiers around property tax repeal. Their carefully worded statements sure made it sound like they were on the side of repeal. How disappointing to learn that they are offering just another Orentlichter/Kenley taxation shell game that gives politicians power to raise our property taxes again in the future.
We are sure that many unsuspecting Hoosiers signed their petition thinking they were putting their names to property tax REPEAL, not another taxation method.
Please sign and circulate this on line petition for property tax repeal to your friends to send your message that nothing short of repeal is satisfactory. Ask your friends to forward the petition.
Ft. Wayne's Journal Gazette covered Farm Bureau's press conference yesterday which was staged to present yet another plan that is not in line with the will of the people. Comments on the Indy Star's article indicate that the People (you know the one's footing the bill) are not happy!
A decrease in property tax by 30% is NOT, we repeat NOT, repeal.
As long as property tax exists in Indiana, politicians have the ability to put our homes and families in peril. Overwhelmingly Hoosiers want a complete elimination of property tax and we will continue to stage protests and vote out politicians who do not support repeal.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
By Abdul Hakim-Shabazz (from Indiana Barrister)
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels says if he gets his way, many changes are coming to Indiana's property tax structure. Speaking this weekend at a convention of Young Republicans in Indianapolis, Daniels said he would seek major and permanent changes to the property tax problem which could include a "constitutional element."
At the request of the Governor, former Governor Joe Kernan and Indiana Supreme Court Justice Randall Shepard are heading up a task force to reform government in the state.
Daniels also criticized the number of boards in Indiana whose members are unelected but still have the ability to raise taxes. He said "no one is in charge" and "they [local governments] match your pocket book to their spending, and it should be the other way around," pointing to the fact that local governments set their budgets, which later become the levies which are paid for through property taxes.
"This is high stakes stuff", Daniels noted, "and we must get it right."
WXNT Producer Chris Spangle contributed to this report.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tax Revolt News From Around Indiana -- Bend Over South Bend!
New taxpayer group vows to be polite, non-partisan, enduring
- No booing, or taunting of politicians?
Property tax bills on the way in St. Joseph County
- Bauer is hiding the rates under his wig.
County officials snipe at state over tax bills
- The new name will be South Bent-over, by Friday.
Property tax billing delays a costly fiasco
- Auditor and Assessor say PT is "a Mickey Mouse game."
Commentary by local activist, Jeff Hays
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 24, 2007
Farm Bureau hosts property tax press conference @ 10:30 am today at State House

Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 24, 2007
20 Ways to CUT residential property taxes
Editor's note: Thanks to Brett Pittman for contributing these simple ideas. We think it sounds a whole lot like common sense! Politicians, take note!
There are twenty ways to CUT residential property taxes (RPT):
1. Mandatory IN 36-7-4-1300 IMPACT FEES on NEW CONSTRUCTION. Pay the fee in the mortgage over 15 to 30 years. Growth states such as California, Florida and Georgia collect impact fees to pay for new schools and infrastructure. New construction does not pay additional property taxes in Indiana for approximately two years.
2. Mandatory SALES TAX on NEW CONSTRUCTION. Central Indiana is the #1 most affordable housing market in the USA with five years of record-breaking sales up to 2006.
4. Use ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCOME TAXES (EDIT) to offset residential property taxes. Tax revenue raised by EDIT that is given to businesses increased local income taxes by 250% in Hendricks County while growth and corporate welfare have caused residential property taxes to increase 350%.
5. Increase DIESEL FUEL TAXES, LICENSES, TOLLS and WHEEL TAXES on large, heavy trucks that destroy our roads and bridges; therefore NO property tax revenue necessary to be used for transportation infrastructure. NO privatization of toll roads needed that would be a financial burden on your children and grandchildren.
6. Elimination of TAX ABATEMENTS for retail and warehouses paying low wages whose employees (some who are illegal aliens) do not provide sufficient taxes for government services such as education, police & fire and infrastructure but do require taxpayer paid Medicaid, rent subsidies, energy assistance, food stamps, education and illegal alien law enforcement. Illegals receive these tax paid benefits.
7. Elimination of TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) and SALES TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (STIF) that deprive schools, police & fire, road & bridge repair, water & sewer upgrades, libraries and other essential government services from needed tax revenue.
8. Elimination of TIF RECOVERY on the residential property tax bills that pay for business tax cuts. This is a double tax on homeowners.
9. Elimination of ALL CORPORATE WELFARE such as SINGLE FACTOR SALES APPORTIONMENT, TAX CREDITS, TAX GRANTS, TRAINING GRANTS and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCOME TAXES (EDIT) on family income. The best corporate welfare has only moved lower (40% less) paying Honda/Toyota jobs into Indiana to replace higher paid GM/Ford/Chrysler jobs that include better benefits. Since 1997, auto sales in the USA have averaged approximately 17 million each year. Therefore, more auto sales or jobs are not being created; and Indiana citizens' standard of living is decreasing.
10. Eliminate NON-PROFIT STATUS for institutions that do not pay property taxes such as medical care that is bankrupting American families and foreclosing on their homes because it is 16% of GDP and rising fast.
11. Use the Innkeeper tax (hotel/motel taxes), food/beverage tax and car rental tax to pay for parks, water, sewer and road repairs that tourists and guests use when they visit our state or your county instead of multi-million dollar sport facilities and private business marketing/sales expenses.
12. STOP development costs and business taxes from being SHIFTED to residential property taxpayers, to low & middle class income taxpayers and to sales taxpayers. Home Town Matters will only accelerate this shift of taxes.
13. Say NO to NEW, high density, cheap, small ground floor, vinyl housing that reduces present property values. A $250000 home is required to pay property taxes for essential government services.
14. Read the "Great American Jobs Scam, Corporate Tax Dodging and the Myth of Job Creation" book by Greg LeRoy available at, the Indiana government library in Indianapolis or your local library.
15. NO NFL tax breaks or using taxpayers’ money to pay for the Super Bowl. Use these tax savings to cut RPT.
16. Indiana has a “brain drain” problem. NO full-day kindergarten, taxpayer paid textbooks or selling/leasing the lottery are needed. Use surplus taxes to cut RPT.
17. NO $27 million tax subsidy to horse racing or the film industry. Use subsidies to cut RPT.
18. Increase taxes on tobacco, alcohol, gas guzzling vehicles and luxury goods and services. Use these taxes to cut RPT and fund medical/health insurance for the uninsured.
19. Use the 20% increase in sales taxes and gasoline taxes enacted a few years ago to cut RPT instead of cutting business property taxes. My RPT increased 19% the following year.
20. Repeal the $9000 pay increase that is automatically adjusted for inflation that the Indiana State General Assembly recently voted for themselves. Use the tax savings to cut
Contact the Governor, General Assembly state politicians and county & town politicians TODAY!
Brent Pittman
6593 Donnelly Dr.
Brownsburg 46112
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Indy Flashover...New blog by IFD
The firemen are now following the lead of the law enforcement officers with their own blog called Indy Flashover. They are exposing city corruption in the fire department. Be sure to tune in, if you want the inside scoop on local government and how your money is wasted and abused by IFD officials.
Posted by
M Theory
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ballard, Webber, Peterson, & Gray to make appearance at Meridian Street Foundation Annual Meeting
Meridian Street Foundation Annual Meeting
All are invited to the Meridian Street Foundation Annual Meeting, Tuesday, October 9, 6:30 p.m. Meet your neighbors and enjoy hors d’oeuvres in the parlor of the Meridian Street United Methodist Church, 5500 N. Meridian Street. Mayor Bart Peterson and his challenger Greg Ballard as well as City Councilman Monroe Gray and his opponent Kurt Webber have been invited to speak about the tax issue and the next election.
The tax issue is of great concern to all of us in the historic district and will play a huge part in how we vote. This is your opportunity to hear what they have to say about our City and how they plan to make it better. There is no cost for this event as the MSF is sponsoring it, however, due to having space for everyone, we would like to know if you are planning on attending. RSVP to Elaine Klein,
Posted by
M Theory
Sunday, September 23, 2007
by Paul Wheeler
Citizens who visited the City-County Council meetings this summer got a surprise civic lesson and one that violated their rights. Unless you are an employee with a ‘pass’ badge that sidesteps the checkpoint metal detector & doggie bowl routine, the public must temporarily empty their pockets and remember not to carry any electronic equipment. No problem, you say, but I’m just going to the assembly hall for a public meeting; not to a jury trial or into a courtroom where the Indiana Supreme Court outlawed such things. I’m just going to sit in on the Council meeting on the 2nd floor. Too bad; cameras are not allowed; you just obey the officer like a good citizen, deposit your stuff into your vehicle and return, walk to the second floor, and plop down.
Why is there a guy with a cell phone camera taking pictures there if I can’t. According to The Indianapolis Star article by Brendan O’Shaughnessy (9-20-07), this individual is a democratic supporter (editor's note: Wilson T. Allen, employed by the Carson Machine) who wanted to take a picture of a city-council member, despite the fact that I saw him pointing it at the audience as well. He can do this but I can’t? And just as fundamental are citizens’ rights of access to public meetings with recording devices as specifically allowed under the Open Door Indiana Statute IC 5-14-1.5-3 Sec.3 (a)”.all meetings of the governing bodies of public agencies must be open at all times for the purpose of permitting members of the public to observe and record them.”. But wait, what about this 4 page itemized list obtained from room 101, everything from ‘tweezers’ to ‘cameras’ prohibited at the “entrances to this building”. Whoops! How did this happen? The story goes in 1999; pre 9-11, an administrative regulation was effected due to boom box phobia. Unfortunately, not even the airlines, post 9-11, have a prohibition against cell phones or cameras as carry-on items.
Informing us that sometime in the future steps will be taken to parallel security compliance similar to the airlines, does not take the sting from citizen’s trampled rights; rights afforded to them through state law.
A couple of recommendations: adjust the wording of their prohibition from ‘check points established at the entrances to this building’, to ‘entrances to a courtroom’ and have these security points re-established at those areas. There is plenty of room for ground level airport type half-lockers to be installed for temporarily storing items while visiting. Finally, have an administrative judge immediately lift this illegal regulation before the hot button words ‘discrimination’, ‘favoritism’ result in a legal battle the city most certainly would loose as a violation of state law. A user friendly city-county building would do little to ease the damage done to citizens this summer, but would afford the perception that we could at least have city employees, including security personnel, that value and uphold the law of openness which our citizenry demands.
Posted by
M Theory
Sunday, September 23, 2007
John Price Needs Additional Plaintiffs who requested refunds for paid 2007 property tax
Below is an email we received from John Price this afternoon. He's seeking individuals who paid 2007 property tax rate who are seeking refunds. This is critical to the case that he recently filed on behalf of the taxpayers. Time is of the essence because he must respond to a Defense motion by 10/19/07. PLEASE ask around and see if you can find anyone who might be interested. With the next round of bills coming out soon, those who overpaid will need the surplus to help with their November bills, no doubt.
Mr. Price's phone number and email address is at the bottom of this message. Interested persons may contact him directly to seek further information to help them determine if they want to become involved in this suit.
Your assistance is very much needed and appreciated. If we do nothing, then we risk having the suit dismissed. Thank you in advance for your efforts to keep this going.
Kind regards,
Gentlemen and Ladies:
As you can see from the attached check from Marion County to John Skaggs, he received his overpaid tax refund within 14 days of our filing our Constitutional Tax Case, in which he was named as a taxpayer asking for a Class Action for all Marion County Taxpayers who want a refund. The refund form says it takes 6-8 weeks. IDLGF Commissioner Musgrave gave Marion County until February to pay refunds, the point of our request for an injunction. The ploy here is obvious, but we must respond to it.
When the County Defendants file their Motion to Dismiss, you can be sure that they will include a copy of the attached check and ask the Court to deny class certification, arguing that the only individual in the case who requested a refund has received it. Thus, I need several persons who have filed requests for refunds whom I can add as party Plaintiffs, in October as part of our Response to their Motion to Dismiss, which is due on 10/19. So we have a couple of weeks. Please have any persons who overpaid their taxes and want a refund to contact me in this regard. If we are unable to add any such persons, Count III (Refunds) is likely to be dismissed.
John R. Price, Attorney
9000 Keystone Crossing #150
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Fax 317-844-7766
Posted by
M Theory
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Upcoming Tax Meetings
Tuesday, October 16th
Broad Ripple Village AssociationTown Hall Meeting/TAX FORUM
Broad Ripple High School
7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 24
Fellowship Hall of North United Methodist Church
38th and Meridian Street
6:00 p.m.
Posted by
M Theory
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Once again, Advance Indiana nails it and spills the beans that former Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Robin Winston sent a letter to every minority business owner in Indy and suggested that if they don't make sure the democrat councilpersons don't get re-elected that their city contracts could disappear.
Gary reports that three african american republicans are running for council.
Here's the letter that was sent to all the minority owned businesses:
"We hope that all is well with you.
Do you agree that we need leadership on the Indianapolis City/County Council that reflects the diversity of our community?
Don't you agree that it is important to have our voices heard in City government?
We hope that you do and that you will join us for a fundraising reception for the Democratic candidates for the City/County Council. Our reception will be held on Wednesday, October 3rd from 5:30PM-7PM here at the offices of the Winston/Terrell Group (1449 North Pennsylvania Street in downtown Indianapolis).
Joining us for the reception will be Council President Monroe Gray and the members of the City/County Council team seeking election this November.Your donation of at least $100 will enable the team to help get the message out that their progressive leadership matters in areas such as support for minority and women-owned businesses, better relations with our Hispanic community, relationships with our faith-based community and support for our children and
These members work everyday to make sure that the playing field is level and that the City serves all areas of our community.They will be working with Mayor Peterson on the continued improvement of our community. However, if they lose a Democratic majority on the Council, priorities can change and some of the issues that matter to all of us could be put on the back burner. I am sure that you will agree that we cannot afford to let that happen.
That's why we are asking you to join us in supporting our Democratic members of the Council.Can we count on you to join us on October 3rd at 5:30PM to keep Indianapolis moving forward? If so, please call any of us at 317.917.1953 or email to RSVP. We ask to hear from you by Friday, September 28th.
Thank you.
Pat Terrell
Michael O'Neal
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Cocktails & Conversation with Abdul -- Tonight
Many of the property tax activists will be joining Abdul and his producer Chris Spangle at Rick's Boat Yard tonight. If you want to get more involved in the activism, come meet us.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Listen to the war drums pounding, the dance around the fire, and the honing of weapons ready for the kill. The city county council is now in session, complete with eligible members that will vote on the foregone outcome that serves as the death knoll of their tribe, despite the fact that the chief is absent. As tribal members verbally spar with each other in mock warfare, the reality behind the posturing for onlookers is very real. The tribe is split. Some hunters; some gatherers; each expected to tow the line as he is prompted to do. A new member takes his seat in the council, unfamiliar with tribal ways, but tows the line. Never mind if he has not examined the results of what the war dance will bring; he just likes to dance for ‘who’ he is; not what partisan peace making would make it. It not the time for peace; the war drums are drumming. With little time to research how to divvy up the spoils of war, he tows the party line, helping to consign his tribe leaders to a bountiful winter at the expense of the rest of his tribe. He does not excuse his participation as a new member; he revels in it. He is new, privileged, and will strike a blow on behalf of tribal leaders as expected, regardless of a suicide mission.
This is the way it has always been, unless those rare voices of conscience can be heard above the war drums. The rules of the game are not fair. Once you drink the firewater, herd instinct overtakes intellectual honesty, and it’s just the dance that counts; never mind the outcome.
Seventeen tribal members and an absentee chief will take us on a long march through winter, filled with warriors selling their tepees, moving into another tribe or into the woods to forage for themselves as best they can. The Chief doesn’t speak to anyone except his special council members, who still continue to beat the war drums and dance around the fire. After all, it’s the dance that counts. Heap big trouble!
Contributed by Patriot Paul Wheeler
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Patriot Paul Wheeler: Would you show up?
Not many protestors showed up at last night's City Council Meeting. Patriot Paul Wheeler weighs in.
The Indianapolis Star News has offered questions to the public regarding what we would do as mayor and how would we construct a budget. Considering the fiscal irresponsibility our political parties have consigned us, and the lack of knowledge most taxpayers have through no fault of their own, the bottom line is that we could do no worse than what has unfolded, and if anything, would have exercised some fiscal restraint, since most of us have to balance our checkbook on what little we have. That is what we teach our children for whom we open their first checking account and what we go by each time we write a check. We also teach our children that our leaders are our employees; servants of the people and accountable for their actions.
How does the Mayor fare in all this, especially when some of his employers are outside his home, requesting he talk with them for a few moments regarding tax issues? A spokesman is sent after they leave to tell a media person that he has nothing to say. Ok, you say, the Mayor is not going to go through knee jerk reactions or be manipulated by anyone and has said everything he wants to say in his commercials, regardless how deceptive they are and paid for by his re-election campaign.
How does the Mayor fare on his record breaking billion $ budget proposal to the 29 member city county council? On the night it is voted, he is a no show again. It is amazing the chief executive office of a major metropolitan city becomes a no show on the evening when he authors a billion $ tax levy against the residents of Indianapolis, under an already overtaxed environment. When 1 in 5 homes for sale is a foreclosure, and it effects a 15% devaluation of its neighboring homes, then all of Indianapolis is devalued as near the #1 metro area in foreclosures.
Is this the posture of a leader, and is this how we teach our children to behave? One of the highlighted issues is the 1 million $ funding for the arts hidden under the ‘parks’ category, and passed. This typical pork is just a microcosm of what taxpayers see at a higher level in Congress. And many would tell you that they never want their children becoming that!
Children should be taught that the fundamental right of land ownership supersedes tax law, and to exercise our duty in voting out those who have lost their way, and voting for those who can carve a fiduciary and responsible path, without the consignment of a new slave class subservient to the master of the realm.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Council Passes Peterson’s Bloated Budget
Report on last night’s tragic vote
by Steve Vinson
Butler Tarkington Resident
The City County Council has voted against the people of Indianapolis. And they did it after once again turning a deaf ear to the public. WISHTV quoted President Gray, "There will be no public testimony, this evening." Why not? I asked Gray and the four at-large council representatives. No response. No surprise.
Why would they refuse to listen to the people? First, they still don’t get that they work for us. Second, they are ashamed that they lack the courage to do the right thing. No wonder they are ashamed. A 65% income tax increase to prop up a bloated budget while doing very little to eliminate the property tax is shameful. “We cut as much as we could.” With this statement, Gray reveals that he and his colleagues in the Council are out of ideas.
Did they really cut as much as they could? They cut about 1% from a budget of over $1 billion. They plan to spend $2 million more in 2008 than in 2007. They plan to put 3 million additional dollars in the hands of Clerk White, whose mismanagement disenfranchised voters in the 2007 primaries. Will more money help her? I doubt it when the problems were organizational. Money won’t fix incompetence.
If Mr. Gray, truly is out of ideas, he should play the Build Your Own Budget game on the Star’s website. I came up with over $20 million in cuts. Try it yourself here .
WISHTV’s Eric Halvorson reported Rozelle Boyd’s desperate cry, "...he says he hopes they [the critics] focus on their legislature, which has more influence over their tax concerns." Don’t worry Mr. Boyd, we will be focusing on our legislature – starting the day after we fire you and your cronies. Boyd’s call for mercy assures us that we have them on the ropes. They know their days are numbered.
Gray has had 5 terms to get it right, Peterson has had 8 years. They want another 4 years. They are out of ideas. We are out of patience. We shall show no mercy on November 6.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Last night the City Council voted to approve a budget that did not include the promised 10% tax cuts and instead RAISED the city budget. Councilor Patrice Abdullah's replacement, Andre Carson, was given a marketing specialist position at Cripe Architects who receives no-bid city contracts including with the Airport Authority. Cripe wants to make sure taxpayer dollars keep flowing their way. On Sunday Bart Peterson ignored the activists who came to his house to talk about the city's taxation problems. This is just a small list of the atrocities perpetrated by our city officials on the taxpayers on a daily basis.
Our politicians are self-serving and ignore our citizens. If we are to have a city left, we need every single person who cares to get involved or we are surely headed down the same path suffered by Gary or Detroit.
Hoosiers For Fair Taxation seeks 600 volunteers to work on election day. Duties may vary and you need to be available from 6am to 6pm. There is no pay. Think of it as civic duty.
You will definitely be called and you will be given work to do either directly with us or with one of the other organizations within our network of patriots. You will also derive great satisfaction the next day when you know that you have helped put in place a new city council and a new mayor.
Freedom is not free. By banding together we WILL take back our city from the corrupt politicians who vote to increase our taxes without our permission, who do not follow the rule of law, who lie to us, who shut us out of the process, and who have no regard for our plight to keep our homes intact.
To volunteer email Please put the word "VOLUNTEER" in the subject line and include your name, address, and phone number, as well as the side of town you live, in this format:
Sally Freedom Lover
777 Fair Tax Lane
Near Northside Indianapolis
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
BREAKFAST AT BART'S -- Bart Ignores Us and Our Pain
The secret invitation only rally was leaked to the Indy Star and Channel 13 ahead of time. We know for sure we were on Channel 8 and Channel 13. A good sized story appeared in the Star today. A young journalist, Cordell Eddings gave a very accurate account of the morning's event. We do wish he had mentioned that this was not a publicized protest, but was done in secret. About 10 of the hard core activists gathered. Many more wanted to come but could not because of school and church obligations. Our law enforcement officers were with us in spirt and could not attend for obvious reasons.
We've had many letters and calls of support and thanks for our dedication. Thank you for appreciating our hard work and know we are all getting bone tired, but will not quit until this job is done.
We will need 600 or more volunteers on election day. If you can take a full vacation day from work and want to help make sure we get the right candidates in the city council and mayor's office, give us an email your name, phone number and volunteer commitment on election day
You will be called and scheduled to work a poll on election day regardless of your party. We are made up of Libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans.
Hoosiers For Fair Taxation and will publish our candidate endorsements. These endorsements will likely look a whole lot like the FOP endorsements.
We will hold ALL candidates we endorse to obey the rule of law throughout their terms in office.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 17, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Monroe Gray fails taxpayers and rule of the law yet another time
Channel 8 broke the story last night that city council president Monroe Gray owns two homes and claims two homestead exemptions. He did not accept any accountability and instead blamed it on a "computer glitch". Advance Indiana once again gives us an inside look.
He has an opponent, Kurt Webber, who is running for councilperson in District #8. We've noticed Kurt Webber signs popping up this last week all over the Meridian Kessler neighborhood. Their timing could not be better.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, September 14, 2007
S.O.S. Yard Sale this weekend
Looks like a couple TV stations are plugging the yard sale this weekend. Thanks to them for helping out.
Here are the participants in Indianapolis who provided their address:
5224 N. Park (Sat. 8-3)
6107 N. Dearborn (Sat. 8-1) -- PROCEEDS DONATED TO Ballard For Mayor Campaign
22 E. 55th St. (Fri. & Sat. 9-3)
6030 N. Meridian St. (Fri. 9-3; Sat. 9-2)
Melyssa will participate by bringing things to the 6030 N. Meridian address due to the French Market festival taking place near her home and lack of parking this Saturday.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Carson Show
Editor's note: While this is a 5 year old story from the WSJ, it is still relevant and tells the story of an actual political machine that does not follow the rule of law.
The Carson Show
With a wink and a nudge, Democrats gin up voter turnout.
Saturday, November 9, 2002 12:01 a.m. EST
INDIANAPOLIS--It was 5:45 a.m. when I arrived, tired and a little cranky, at Rep. Julia Carson's home. It was dark and chilly, and my cotton raincoat proved entirely inadequate. But I forgot about all that as I approached the scene in front of her modest residence. Vans and SUVs were pulling in and out of the driveway, and scores of volunteers were funneling into the large garage attached to the house.
This was Election Day, and Ms. Carson, a black liberal Democrat first elected in 1996, had seen her poll advantage shrink in recent weeks. Her losing would still be an upset, but she couldn't get too confident. Pesky white suburbs had been redrawn into what is now Indiana's Seventh District, and that could dilute the influence of Ms. Carson's black base in Indianapolis proper. Moreover, her Republican opponent, a former Dan Quayle hand named Brose McVey, had turned out to be a formidable challenger. Ms. Carson was re-elected with a whopping 59% of the vote in 2000, but a less lopsided result was expected this go-round.
Hence, the congresswoman who had never lost an election was poised to pull out all the stops, and eager apparatchiks of the famed Democratic machine were arriving in predawn droves, quickly filling up her makeshift headquarters and awaiting orders. The Carson campaign had invited me to shadow some of these folks as they went about the day "getting out the vote." And we didn't waste any time.
By 6:15 a.m., I was in a minivan with three volunteers--two young ladies and a young man. One of the women was a Carson staffer; the other was on loan from House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt's staff. At one point the young man ordered the vehicle stopped. He hopped out, grabbed a Carson campaign sign from the back and placed it directly in front of a McVey sign along the road, so that other passersby wouldn't see the latter. (He was on loan from Rep. Cynthia McKinney's staff.) "That's legal," said the Gephardt staffer, presumably for my benefit. "What's not legal is for us to pick up the McVey sign." Wink. Nudge. After transporting two volubly pro-Carson voters to the polls, this trio of legal sticklers dropped me back at headquarters. I didn't see much of them the rest of the day, so I've no idea what other ("legal") high jinks they were up to later on.
Next, I rode with Milton, a gregarious black gent, to pick up another Carson voter. Ms. Miner was an elderly black woman who said that she'd recently moved and hadn't brought along any ID. We went to a local school and accompanied her inside. The voting inspector, hired by Republicans, couldn't find her name in the registry and told her she'd have to fill out some paperwork before she'd be permitted to vote.
Milton became indignant. He told Ms. Miner to "come on and vote, and we'll worry about forms later." The distaff inspector, the only white person I saw, wasn't about to get in Milton's way as he escorted his charge to the booth. Afterward, while she was filling out the paperwork, I introduced myself to two poll workers and listened in as they discussed the incident.
"When our people come in," said one, referring to black voters, "I tell them, if you don't want to fill out paperwork, just use the old address." "What about the inspector?" said the other poll worker. "Don't worry about her," came the reply. "She dumb. She don't know nothin'." Wink. Nudge.
Back in the car, I asked Milton if what transpired was unusual. "Not really," he said. "I tell people they don't need ID. Don't let them hassle you." Doesn't the law require poll workers to ask for ID? I inquired. "Yeah," said Milton. "But sometimes [voters] get intimidated by that. It's a hassle, so I go in with them."
The law can be such a hassle sometimes.
Back at the garage, the weather was worrying people. It had started to rain around 8:30 and never let up. Turnout could be affected. One of the lawyers present--the local Democratic Party had dispersed around 100 for the day, three times more than usual--told me that the phone banks would have to step it up. Two gentlemen, Bill and Gil, offered to show me one of several. Along the way, Bill stressed that Ms. Carson's opponent had "underestimated her street smarts."
Giving folks rides to the polls initially struck me as an inefficient way of turning out the vote. But Bill said I was witnessing only a fraction of the operation. In total "three or four hundred" volunteers were providing transportation, and several thousand would vote as result. The Carson campaign was coordinating efforts with 30 churches and the local arm of the "unquestionably Democratic" AFL-CIO. It turned out that these phone banks were the real command central.
A wealthy local businessman and Democratic Party contributor had made available office space and phones for "Operation Big Vote," a supposedly nonpartisan 501(c)3 outfit run by an affable attorney named Aaron. There, some 30 people were busy making 10,000 to 15,000 calls, and 75 vehicles were being disbursed to accommodate the 3,000 incoming requests for rides. Others were on walkie-talkies with volunteers stationed at the polls. When word came back that turnout was low in an area, the phone-bank workers would check their voter registration lists. Callers would then go to work on that specific area.
Aaron tried to insist, straight-faced, that this wasn't a Democratic operation, but he kept having to remind people who walked through the door, including my two companions, to remove their Carson campaign hats and buttons. When I asked Aaron if there were any Republican volunteers working here, he laughed: "Our Republican is out to lunch right now. I'll let you know when he's back." Wink. Nudge.
Ms. Carson won comfortably with 53% of the vote. And like I did, a lot of Democrat activists in and around this city probably lost some sleep on Election Day. But I doubt it was over suspect tactics.
Mr. Riley is a senior editorial page writer at The Wall Street Journal.
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Is Peterson breaking campaign laws? Is he accountable to the rule of law?
Advance Indiana & the Digital Farmers blog are raising legitimate concerns that Bart Peterson is using highly paid city workers such as deputy mayor Steve Campbell to field questions that should be handled by his campaign staff who are persons not on the city payroll.
Abdul Hakim Shabazz reported that Steve Campbell wrote an email response regarding Peterson's latest campaign commercial that gives credit for the Governor's reassessment order to Peterson.
Digital Farmers asks if any of Peterson's campaign staffers are persons other than city employees. As a taxpayers, we are not willing to pay for city employees' time to handle Peterson's campaign issues.
To make an inquiry as to why a highly paid city employee is fielding Peterson's campaign questions, please call (317) 637-3366 and demand to know why.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bart Peterson to Indy Citizens September 1999
Peterson's words...truth or decide.
A Letter from Bart Peterson to the City of Indianapolis
September 1, 1999
Dear Fellow Citizen:
When I announced my candidacy, I stated that I wanted to help make Indianapolis a world-class city - that is, the best place in the country to live and work and raise our families. At the same time, I knew a lot of hard work would be required to make a great place such as Indianapolis even better. Well-developed, workable policies on everything from crime to education to our neighborhoods would be necessary foundations for such an ambitious goal. My experience as a businessman has taught me that these policies couldn't be created piecemeal, but would have to fit together to form a coherent strategy for Indianapolis's development.
Because I believe you deserve to know what I will do if I am elected Mayor, I am submitting this plan and the proposals it contains to you. My proposals will reduce crime, improve education, and build better neighborhoods. Yet it is misleading to suggest that these are simply "my" proposals. Rather than drafting this plan at the outset of my campaign, I wanted to hear first from Indianapolis's greatest resource: its citizens. So I have listened to individuals from every corner of our City and every walk of life as they have shared with me their vision for a greater Indianapolis. This plan is the product of those many conversations; Indianapolis citizens are the true authors of this plan. I will continue to listen to you as, together, we work to achieve the goals in this plan.
The proposals in my plan are designed to confront problems head on. Rather than waiting for the drug epidemic to spend itself out, we will combat drugs and violent crime with increased resources and zero tolerance for drug dealers and violent criminals. Rather than complaining about shortcomings in public schools, we will focus our attention on the current programs that effectively educate students and work hard to develop new programs to ensure that our public schools are world class. Rather than maintaining status quo services to neighborhoods, we will provide resources to enhance neighborhoods as livable communities by improving services, enforcing zoning and health and safety codes, improving public transportation, supporting the arts, and creating economic development opportunities that benefit all citizens.
Implementing the proposals in this plan will require action and leadership; implementing the proposals in this plan, however, will not require a tax increase. With my experience as a businessman, I can accomplish what I have proposed in this plan and I can do it within a budget. From the outset, I have called for an election contest based on proposals, not politics. By putting together this plan, I have set forth the objectives that I will focus on as Mayor to make the great City of Indianapolis even better.
Bart Peterson
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Report from BTNA meeting with Bart Peterson, Monroe Gray, and district #8 candidate Kurt Webber
Steve Vinson and his family live in Butler Tarkington. Steve moved to Indy from Chicago thinking it would be an inexpensive safe city to raise his family. Not so. His taxes are DOUBLE what his Chicago taxes were for the same sized house and Chicago's services are far better. There is no debate that Chicago IS a world class city. Why can't Peterson, the CCC, and our school board deliver comparable service for the same cost of Chicago? Could it have something to do with the fat administrative layers and patronage positions doled out by city officials, school, and library administrators?
Steve is trying in vain to arrange a debate between Monroe Gray (CC president district #8 councilor) and local attorney Kurt Webber who is his challenger. Sounds like Monroe Gray does not want to debate.
Here is Steve's account of the meeting:
"My family and I attended last night's Butler Tarkington Neighborhood Association board meeting. The mayor, the CCC president, and Kurt Webber (Monroe Gray's challenger) were all there. It was a nice exchange and all had a chance to give their views and answer questions.
The Mayor gave his usual speech, which you can probably read on his website.
Next it was the City-County Council District 8 candidates' turn. Gray took the opportunity to describe his view of the improvements made in Butler Tarkington over the years.
Kurt Webber let the group know that if they are happy with the way the city has been run, they should vote for Gray. If, however, they want someone who will keep an eye on spending and work to reduce it, they should vote for Webber. He then gave his view that one of the worst things to hit the neighborhood was when the city moved our police department liaison to the Northeast side. Callie Sanders (BTNA board president) tried to correct Kurt, saying that the liaison chose to move. Kurt acknowledged that they have a disagreement on why the liaison is no longer in our neighborhood but the problem is the same. Interesting.
I was sitting next to President Gray who whispered to me, "he has his facts wrong."
Another interesting moment was when Gray asked Webber what Webber would propose the CCC cut from the budget (seeming to imply there is nothing left to cut). Kurt reminded the group that he would start with $21,500 allocated for a county commissioner position that does not even exist. When pressed for more, he said he would announce further proposed cuts at the appropriate time. Webber explained that many times when ideas are floated too early, opponents take the good ideas as their own. The discussion ended when Ms. Sanders cut off a would-be questioner due to time constraints.
I did get a chance to directly ask the BTNA board whether they would endorse a debate between Monroe and Kurt. Kurt jumped in and said he would welcome the opportunity. Monroe did not say anything. The board was still discussing when we had to leave. Ms. Sanders said she would email me the board's decision.
Today, Ms. Sanders let me know the board still did not have a decision. I let her know that I am assuming BTNA is not interested in helping to make an open debate happen. I base this assumption on the board's handling of the meeting last night and the amount of time and energy I have spent on trying to get them to help only to meet with indecision from BTNA and Monroe Gray.
I have tried to provide an objective and open summary of my perceptions from the meeting. I hope you find it interesting. I would be happy to clarify or answer any questions."
--Steve Vinson
concerned Butler Tarkington resident
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Patriot Paul Wheeler asks us to "Take A Look"
Some of you may remember Paul from a few of the protests. He likes to dress as a patriot. Here's his take on school spending and a question about who profits from the current system.
"Think back to school days about books. I'm told that we are one in only a handful of states that still has a book rental system. Here's how it works, according to 2 ladies in the office who have children in local schools. Every year children from kindergarten thru high school have to rent books by having their parents pay 99.00 per child at the beginning of the school term, starting in kindergarten (for supplies like scissors, glue, a workbook (usually mass photocopied pages from the teacher's book, crayons, etc.). As the student progresses, the fees get higher. These books are 'used' with binding broken, front or back cover missing, pages torn or missing or previously magic marker highlighted, and some books old, and an occasional new book. Books are given to each student at the beginning of each year, and most parents pay the beginning of the year or by December. There is no credit issued for any books returned at the end of the year. For students who lost a book or never returned them, their parents are billed and then turned over to a collection service.
Last night's news indicated a whopping 2000 young people are missing from school and have not been incorporated into any other learning system..just sitting at home or on the street. With 37,500 new residents into poverty, I'm wondering if there is a connection with the non ability to pay the basics of back to school necessities. Are any of these into early jobs just to support their home necessities, so their parents don't loose the home facing foreclosure? As much as we pay in taxes, with property owners bearing the brunt of school expenses, why is this shameful situation allowed to perpetuate year after year. With teachers producing students with below national average SAT scores in Indiana for reading, writing, and arithmetic, where has all our money really gone? ( and why would our school district budget over 30 million more $ than last year?
What were they thinking? What created that whopping increase that they cannot cover and have to borrow from a bond bank with an additional 1 million $ in interest due next year that property owners will be saddled with. And why is the cycle allowed to go on unchecked year after year. This dinosaur book rental system is a gravy train for someone. The schools would argue that they are saving us money, given the prospect of paying for new books every year. I'm not upset with used books, but I cannot understand a system that seems to defeat our children by making parents pay for something that our whopping taxes should cover. Does a 5 yr.old in kindergarten really use 99.00 worth of crayons for a xerox copy of a coloring book? If students are not benefiting from our tax money, then who is?"
Paul Wheeler
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Andy Horning Proposes a Citizen Congress
Andy Horning has a new blog called "We Declare". Andy has long said that the problems we face are simple to resolve if we make politicians obey the written laws as written. No interpretation, no ifs, ands or buts.
We do have the power to force politicians to comply. But they are never going to do it unless we make it clear that we will accept nothing else. It is our right and our duty to leash our government and we should not fear government. Our constitution gives us the solemn right to control our government.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Don't forget to contact our yardsale chairperson, Laura Hile with your address if you are holding a yardsale this weekend. We'll get your ad in the Indianapolis Star for you.
Laura Hile 317-254-2307
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Statewide Property Tax News
Property tax woes force districts to borrow millions
- More like steal millions
State lawmaker proposes tax relief plan
- Orentlicher's Quilting Bee. Lubbers patches he sews.
Analysis: 92 Indiana counties, 92 different property-tax problems
- One solution...Abolish!
Property tax- Indiana math: 2 + 2 = 22
Property tax homework
-Emperor Kenley surprised to find new suit made of invisible wool.
Deadlines and an ugly precedent
- Napoleon Daniels decrees...
commentary by local tax activist, Jeff Hays
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
David Orentlicher hosts tax meeting tonight
Public Tax Meeting Today, Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Rep. David Orentlicher does not support property tax repeal. His proposal gives politicians power to cause you to lose your house one day even though he proposes a reduction now. Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana does an excellent job explaining that Orentlicher's proposal is more of the same approach we have always received from our politicians.
State Rep. David Orentlicher (D - Dist. 86) is holding a tax meeting tonight from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at North United Methodist Church, 38th and Meridian, in Scholarship Hall to review his new proposal followed by a question/answer period.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Peterson and Monroe Gray at Butler Tarkington Neighborhood Association Meeting Tonight
Tonight Mayor Peterson and Monroe Gray will be at Butler Tarkington Neighborhood Association Meeting at 7pm
7:00pm International School 49th and Blvd Place, in the Gym last door on the left.
The announcement says all are welcome to attend.
There will be questions and answers. Don't expect straight answers.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 10, 2007
Subject: S.O.S.3 Statewide Yard Sale for Property Tax Relief
MEDIA CONTACT: Laura Hile 317-254-2307 email:
S.O.S.3 (Selling Our Stuff to Save Our State and Show Our Solidarity)
Property taxes have increased, some dramatically, for many homeowners throughout the state and immediate relief is needed for many to keep their homes. In a show of solidarity against rising property taxes, Hoosiers will "Sell Our Stuff" in yard sales held around the state between Thursday, September 13 and Saturday, September 15.
The event is co-sponsored by the tax activist groups Stop Taxing Our Property (STOP), Inc. and Hoosiers for Fair Taxation . STOP initiated the recent property tax-related litigation in Marion and Allen counties. Hoosiers for Fair Taxation holds "tea parties" throughout Indiana where property tax assessments packed in a large teabag were dunked to protest taxes, in the same spirit as the original Boston Tea Party. Friends, neighbors, churches, and schools are encouraged to band together with their hand-me-downs, "white elephants", last season's must-haves…anything and everything that's been cluttering up their closets, cupboards, garages and basements. "There's no cost to participate" says organizer Jeff Hays, who got the idea for the S.O.S. sale after hearing lots of conversations about property taxes at the U.S. 40 yard sale earlier this year. "We just want people to pick one of these days and have a yard sale. Proceeds from their sales belong to the homeowners since many are struggling to pay their property taxes".
Sale participants are asked to display S.O.S. signs at their sales as a sign of statewide unity. The group Hoosiers for Fair Taxation will place an ad in the Indianapolis Star classifieds at no cost to participants. Anyone interested in having their sale included in the ad should go to the Hoosiers for Fair Taxation website for further details.
While the politicians stage press conferences, hold meetings about this issue, and offer vague timelines for potential remedies to take hold, homeowners are taking matters into their own hands by selling their stuff to come up with the dough to pay for their property taxes.
The goals for this event are a heightened sense of community throughout the state, bargains galore, fun, and financial relief from property taxes.
Free fliers and posters for the event can be downloaded from so that homeowners can customize them with their sale date, location and time. Sale participants are asked to display S.O.S. signs at their sales as a sign of statewide unity. The group Hoosiers for Fair Taxation will place an ad in the Indianapolis Star classifieds at no cost to participants. Anyone interested in having their sale included in the ad should go to the Hoosiers for Fair Taxation website for further details.
While the politicians stage press conferences, hold meetings about this issue, and offer vague timelines for potential remedies to take hold, homeowners are taking matters into their own hands by selling their stuff to come up with the dough to pay for their property taxes.
The goals for this event are a heightened sense of community throughout the state, bargains galore, fun, and financial relief from property taxes.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 10, 2007
Letter to Senator Luke Kenley
Here's a sample of a letter you can send to your state representative and state senator. Demand that your elected state politicians do YOUR will while in office, not follow their own agendas.
We're looking for a yes or no answer. Does Senator Kenley support the economist Dr. Bill Styring's solution to the property tax crisis? We've made it easy. Here's the link to the video.
If he will not respond to this request from the people, we'll assume he doesn't care about our wishes. We seek nothing more than a yes or no answer to property tax repeal. I will publish his answer and likely hold a press conference in the future. His job is to implement the will of the people and nothing more.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 10, 2007
18 City Tax Increases in 2 Years & Peterson takes credit for the tax activists work
Peterson airs a sober new commercial and says, "By banding together we were able to force the state to correct an assessment we knew was wrong."
Did we miss something? The mayor didn't force the Governor to order a reassessment of Marion county taxes. The Governor would not return the mayor's calls the day after he went begging for a special session on the state house steps.
Let's never forget that awful evening when the mayor locked the citizens out of the city council budget meeting. Is THAT banding together? Locking out is not banding together. The mayor cannot have it both ways.
Let's not forget that these 18 new taxes are in place in just 2 years while on the mayor's watch:
1. Sewer user fee tax
2. Storm water utility tax
3. Food and Beverage tax
4. Car Rental tax
5. Ticket tax
6. Hotel-Motel tax
7. Professional Sports District tax
8. 2005 Welfare Bond
9. 2006 Welfare Bond
10. Boys/girls School DOC Bonds
11. Library tax 2006
12. IndyGo tax 2006
13. Police Service District 2006
14. Fire Service District 2006
15. COIT 2006
16. COIT 2007
17. 2007 Budget
18. .65% 2007 COIT
Are these the actions of a mayor who cares about taxes and spending?
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, September 10, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Demand your legislator explain their position on repeal
A lot of people are using Eric Miller's repeal property tax site to keep up with the pro/con property tax repeal positions of their legislators, however, not all of the legislators respond to Miller's surveys. So in theory we don't know how they feel. This is proof they don't want to tell you. If they don't answer, Eric Miller lists them as anti-repeal.
We placed a call to Senator Luke Kenley several days ago, but still don't have a response. Do you think Sen. Kenley cares about the will of the people if he will not return a call to the activist group that organizes the very rallies that bring national attention to our crisis? Do you think it is possible that he profits as a politician from the current system?
Call your state represenative or state senator if they appear on the anti-repeal list and ask them to watcheconomist Dr. Bill Styring's video which explains how to implement the solution to this mess our politicians caused Hoosiers. Send them our link to Dr. Styring's property tax elimination solution and make sure they know Dr. Styring is the most qualified scholar in the state of Indiana to address this problem....PERIOD!
Don't be afraid to confront the politician who is supposed to represent your interests to let them know that you mean business and expect an answer. Tell them you expect full support of Dr. Styring's answer. Then let us know what you find out and we will publicize it. Let us know who will not return your phone calls. Let us know who will not return your emails. And let us read the emails you DO receive. It's time to hold political feet to the fire and get repeal underway. The sooner we do, the sooner fair tax reform for the rest of the nation will fall into place.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, September 07, 2007
Recent National & Statewide Press
This is no surprise, but it seems Matt Tully of the Indy Star is wrong once again. The nation IS interested in our tax revolt! This is just some of the press we've gleaned since John Price filed the lawsuit yesterday. More links will come as they are forwarded to us by our readers.
Channel 2 - Chicago
WSBT South Bend
Tri State News - Channel 14
Channel 18 - Lafayette IN
Courier Journal -Louisville
LaPorte County - Herald Argus
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, September 07, 2007
Blogger Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana explains taxpayers lawsuit
Kudos to attorney Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana for writing an indepth analysis of the taxpayer lawsuit filed yesterday by attorney John Price. Why is it that the bloggers who work for free are often do the real work of journalists in this city?
A less indepth look is found in today's Indy Star.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
CONSTITUTIONAL LAWSUIT FILED TODAY -- Emergency Hearing Requested -- The People Demand Rule of Law
Attorney John Price detailed the lawsuit on the Abdul in the Morning show this morning just a couple hours before heading to the State House to file the complaint.
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
ELIMINATION: The Property Tax Solution (share this link)
ELMINATION: The Property Tax Solution
You Tube Video by Economist Bill Styring
Foremost Indiana PhD Economist
Senior Fellow Hudson Institute
Gold Medal of Freedom Recipient
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Constitutional Lawsuit-- Press Conference Thursday @ 10:30 am
We just received notice that Constitutional Tax Case will be filed on Thursday September 6th at 10 AM in the Clerk’s Office in the State House (2nd floor – a/k/a Main Floor – Room 217).
A press conference revealing the details of the lawsuit will be held on the East Steps of the State House at 10:30AM immediately after the complaint is filed. Please plan to join us.
Feel free to let your hundred thousand best friends know also.
John R. Price, Attorney
9000 Keystone Crossing #150
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Fax 317-844-7766
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The People are gathering to help save our beloved city by bringing a broader local and national awareness to Indy's misuse of public funds and over taxation.
We are getting reports that our Indiana Tea Parties are showing up on local news affiliates around the country...especially in California.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, September 04, 2007