Eric Miller’s group, Advance America, hosted a REPEAL PROPERTY TAX rally on Monday night.
According to the Indianapolis Star more than 700 people, many of them senior citizens on fixed incomes, protested rising property taxes at a Greenwood rally Monday night…The standing-room-only crowd cheered Miller often and booed when property tax increases were mentioned. Several had copies of their tax bills, while others waved signs such as “Pay unfair tax or pay for food?”
I was very impressed by the 700 plus turnout, and it was obvious that the crowd has not been placated by the band-aid solutions offered so far. I’m starting to believe that the citizens can keep up this kind of pressure through November. Many of the issues that Eric Miller brought up were valid and well thought out. The media was there, as well as several elected officials and a few candidates (yours truly among them).
Now, as a Libertarian candidate for City-County Council, I am reminded by my colleagues that Mr. Miller disagrees with our platform, and was presenting a NON-FairTax proposal. His stance, as can be found at, is to eliminate property taxes by a constitutional amendment, but then raise the income tax rate by 1%, and raise sales tax by 2%. In Marion County, this would translate into a 2.65% income tax (thank you, city-county council), and an 8% sales tax.
I am a FairTax supporter, and I favor the FairTax over all other options, but let me say this to those who would attack Advance America’s plan: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
We don’t agree with everything Mr. Miller is proposing, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. Hopefully, more rallies and efforts like these will pressure politicians to reform the tax system, which will do nothing but help the chances of getting the FairTax implemented.
Keep it up!
Timothy J Maguire
Libertarian Candidate for City-County Council, At Large
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Libertarian Tim Maquire Weighs In On Miller's Repeal Property Tax Rally
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sign Property Tax Repeal Petition to Governor Daniels
This petition was just forwarded to us for your signature. Please forward the link to bulletin boards, blogs, and your personal email contacts throughout Indiana. Collectively we must let the Governor know that we will accept nothing less than a complete repeal of property tax.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Taxes in the News around Indiana & Beyond
Some of the articles cover rallies in Indy. The INDIANA TEA PARTY is a mobile event. We'll bring it to any city in Indiana who will organize a rally. We'll also help with press releases and the publicity and bring a delegation from the capitol to help. Just call us. 317-938-8913
Johnson Cty
Plenty Pix-Black Sunday Photo Essay
Peru In
Muncie/ poor
Allen Cty Dems
Shelby Cty
Rental Property Association Blog
Terre Haute
Post Tribune (Sun Times Group)
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Women's Activist Group Forming
HOOSIERS FOR FAIR TAXATION is creating plenty of projects that are perfectly suited for women, some of which are top secret unless you are in the Ladies' Group. You'll make new friends while taking back your government.
And trust us, Ladies...we WILL win.
We are planning an evening meeting soon. 317-938-8913
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Afterthoughts: THE INDIANA TEA PARTY & What people are saying

(by Sean Shepard, Indy Fair Tax)
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
We will win this revolution. And this is how. We will not stop until Our government does as We say. We want property tax repealed and we want Our schools in Indiana reformed. We want the size of Our government reduced and they can start with Center Township!
Evidently THE INDIANA TEA PARTY ruffled the feathers of the status quo, because Jen Wagner, communications director for the democratic party, said the INDIANA TEA PARTY participants did not accomplish much and that We The People are merely attention starved. We are not sure what the democratic party's communication director thought she would accomplish by insulting our city's citizens involved in a non-partisan rally, but she chose to go down that path on behalf of the democrats for whom she speaks.
We think a better approach would be to tell us our democratic leadership in Indianapolis is concerned and working together with all parties to find solutions to this mess.
Just to set things straight, here's what we accomplished:
News Coverage From:
Channel 13
Channel 6
Channel 8
Channel 59 (2 Stories)
Indy Star
and probably other media that has not been sent to us yet.
The INDIANA TEA PARTY also satisfied The People's wishes for a tea party. They've asked for one since the 4th of July.
THE INDIANA TEA PARTY let our sister cities throughout the state have media access to view our parties. Because of this, we now get requests everyday for tea parties in other towns.
THE INDIANA TEA PARTY solidly brought together a strong inner core of volunteers with amazing connections. We like it that you see our growing inner core of well educated and well connected volunteers, as people who cannot achieve their goals. Wait until you see the surprises we have in store.
THE INDIANA TEA PARTY gave candidates for this November's election an opportunity to sign Our T-shirts in support of Our demands to see property tax repeal. (Can anyone get State Representative David O. to sign?)
Posted by
M Theory
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Tax Events on Monday July 30th
Commission on State Tax and Financing Policy is scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. Monday in Room 431 of the Statehouse. The hearing will focus on two issues: assessment practices and whether to change the property tax relief the legislature approved this year from rebate checks to credits.
State Rep. Woody Burton, R-Greenwood, has announced a rally to repeal property taxes Monday night in Greenwood.It will be at 7 p.m. Monday at Jonathan Byrd's Cafeteria, 100 Byrd Way, Greenwood. Republican Reps. Larry Buell and Dave Frizzell, both of Indianapolis, and Ralph Foley, of Martinsville, also will attend.
Information on utilizing a constitutional amendment and a voter referendum to eliminate property taxes will be provided, according to Burton's office.
HOOSIERS FOR FAIR TAXATION will be available with their "WE THE PEOPLE" T-shirts for State Representatives to sign.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, July 27, 2007
Candidates for Office to Sign "WE THE PEOPLE" T-shirts at Indiana Tea Party!
Post Tea Party Update: Representative David Orenlichter, who often attends the rallies, refused to sign the T-shirts of everyone who asked. We know now where he stands. If anyone gets a signature from David O., please let us know and we'll advise our readers.
A limited quantity of 100 T-shirts will be available at the Tea Party event. Get your T-shirts autographed by election candidates who support property tax repeal and use your shirts to hold them accountable to their word! A signature (even on a T-shirt) constitutes a contract.
If you want to buy a quantity of T-shirts for a rally in your town, please email for wholesale pricing. A two week lead time is necessary for manufacturing.
100% cotton T-shirts are $10 each.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, July 27, 2007
A Welcome to Election Candidates to Attend Indiana Tea Party
WE THE PEOPLE want to meet all the candidates who seek our vote this November. Regardless of party affiliation EVERYONE is invited to the Indiana Tea Party. Elected officials, this is your time to meet and greet potentially thousands of your constituents. Hoosiers For Fair Taxation is non-partisan, as we are all in the same boat when it comes to transparency in taxation and accountability of government spending.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability
The IRS dismissed a case against a man for not paying taxes because the IRS could not show proof he owed income tax at all. It is also interesting that the story is not picked up by mainstream media yet.
Coupled with the tax revolts popping up all over the country, we are likely on the brink of a true tax revolution in America. Can you imagine the party in the streets when we get property and income tax repealed nationwide?
Connect with your elected congressperson and senator today to demand they join the 63 Congresspersons who are already Fair Tax co-sponsors.
The national Fair Tax Rally will be in Ames Iowa on August 11th. A delegation from Indiana will caravan to Iowa and leave Indiana on August 10th. We need someone from the Indianapolis area with a passenger van who would be willing do drive. More information can be found at:
Fair Tax Indiana &
The national rally in Ames, Iowa will be attended by Fair Tax author Neal Boortz and several presidential candidates.
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Where your money goes: The Central Library Debacle
Library board opted for the board to function as general contractors on the huge multi-million dollar project rather than hiring an experienced general. The board wanted to offer a higher percentage of contracts to minority business.
Here is article from today's Indy Star.
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, July 26, 2007
S.O.S. Property Tax Relief Event & Other Rallies
"We are holding the S.O.S. event (Selling Our Stuff) to help with property tax relief. Come get a cup of Abdul's Freedom Lager or Ale (depending upon which batch is "up" / brewed, from the brew pub. The event will be held / headquartered at Rusted Moon Outfitters in the 6400 block of Cornell, in Broad Ripple, next Saturday (8/4) from 9 AM to 4 PM. Proceeds from the event will go directly to the STOP legal fund, where Mr. Price will put those dollars to good Constitutional use, in COURT. We're encouraging folks to bring heavily discounted, pre-marked yard sale items, stuff in the $2, $5 & $10 price ranges.
Items must be of general appeal (sellable) and pre-priced (starting stuff @ $2, $5 & $10) for what Henry hopes are obvious reasons. Folks can deliver items beginning at 8AM and we'd appreciate their help setting stuff up. The sale will end at 4PM and we're going to have a charity pick up the remaining stuff between 5-6PM.
(Note to organizers: Beer is a good thing!)
Thursday August 2nd
7pmTax Rally
Goshen, Indiana
Monday, August 13th
7pmTax Rally
Madison, Indiana
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Word On The Street: 2007 City of Indianapolis Budget is Not Available
Polispolitics blog reports that the city's budget is not available anywhere to anyone, even though several people are asking for it.
The People cannot help but wonder, if there is no budget, how do we know we needed the income tax increase that we are being forced to pay against our wishes?
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cocktails with Abdul Tonight @ Rick's Boat Yard
Don't forget to join The People for Cocktails with Abdul hosted at Rick's Boat Yard on Eagle Creek. I hear about 100 people are attending including his super-hip new producer, Chris Spangle.
Representatives from Hoosiers For Fair Taxation will be there. We'll also have Indiana Tea Party flyers for pick up from anyone who wants to help distribute the remaining 1000 flyers.
For those that don't know yet, Abdul is a great supporter of the Tax Revolution and frequently interviews The People, the politicians, the pundits, and the players on his entertaining and informative morning show on AM1430 WXNT.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Today's Must Read Blog Entries -- Advance Indiana
Gary Welsh, editor of Advance Indiana, must stay up all night writing these indepth and insightful blog entries. Today he reports on the utterly shameful representation of The People by the Indianapolis City Council.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wanted: Contact with Butler Tarkington Senior's Group
If anyone out there knows how to get in touch with the seniors from Butler Tarkington who participate in the rallies, please send their contact information to us by email or call 317-938-8913. We very much want them to play a leading role in the Indiana Tea Party to be held this Saturday.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Is Income Taxation Legal? Couple Offers $1MILLION to see the law.
So many people have emailed us a link to, that we are linking it. A couple is offering ONE MILLION DOLLARS to anyone who can show them their legal liability to pay federal income tax. So far no one has collected the money.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Urgent Volunteer Need -- Voter Registration
We need volunteers available at the Indiana Tea Party this Saturday to register voters. Is there someone out there that would volunteer to coordinate the volunteers and get the registration materials to the event?
Please phone 317-938-8913 if you can help us with this very important need. We need a team of at least four volunteers.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Taxpayers Betrayed by Indianapolis City Council
Several of the councilors including Vernon Brown (pictured) have comfortable city jobs and city paid automobiles. Monroe Gray, city council president, represents District #8 and voted for the tax increase in spite of the fact that a good number of his constituents in the audience were clearly not in favor of this tax increase.
None of the citizens who attended last night's city council meeting were in favor of increasing the county option income tax except city employees.
Councilors opposed to the tax increase were effectively shut down in a heated challenge by city legal, city council president, Monroe Gray and his personal lawyer Aaron Haith.
Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana covered last night's raucous meeting.
Vice-President Joanne Sanders (D)
Patrice Abdullah (D)
Mary Moriarty Adams (D)
Paul Bateman (D)
Rozelle Boyd (D)
Vernon Brown (D)
Lonnell "King-Ro" Conley (D)
Ron Gibson (D)
Scott Keller (R)
Lance Langsford (R)
Angela Mansfield (D)
Jackie Nytes (D)
William Oliver (D)
Cherrish Pryor (D)
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Cocktails & Conversations with Abdul from WXNT AM1430
NEWSTALK 1430 WXNT-AM presents their next "Cocktails & Conversations" event with Abdul Hakim-Shabazz: Wednesday, July 25, at Rick's Cafe Boatyard. Come by right after work at 5:00 o'clock. You'll be able to unwind, enjoy some cocktails by Eagle Creek Reservoir, and talk about the property tax issue with other listeners. Rick's Cafe Boatyard 4050 Dandy Trail
Fair Taxation supporters will be there. Be sure to tune in to Abdul in the Morning from 6am to 10am on AM1430. Everyday is indepth coverage of the property tax crisis in Indiana.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 23, 2007
"Don’t Stop Just Yet" Essay by Andy Horning in Indiana Policy Review
For until this property tax debacle our politicians had hidden the true cost of government. They had lured you from 1776 into 1984 partly by snipping your paycheck before you saw it; partly by invisibly hijacking every good and service made in America through corporate taxes; and of course, by making you pay rent on your own property.
This month, when dizzying incompetence revealed the actual price tag, a class of citizens not accustomed to such treatment, a normally placid, mostly well-off group of citizens, protested. It was about time.
Their poorer neighbors had been losing their homes to property taxes for decades (still more will lose their homes before this problem is fixed). Certainly, poor people had been protesting, but we didn’t listen. We were told that government spending helped the poor. We were told that a library expansion, or a new school administration building would help the less fortunate.
We have seen the truth, however, in their boarded up houses, substandard schools, crumbling infrastructure and poor services. We drain them dry as we subsidize millionaire athletes and mall developers. Of course the gap between rich and poor has grown since our “War on Poverty” began.
This week, Indianapolis politicians will ask citizens to pay extra for police and fire protection. But what was the most important role of government? Where has our money been going if not for police and fire protection?
And are you still fooled by the school building scams? Are you still buying the “do it for the children” campaign tears when our primary schools compare badly with even those in Third World nations?
Again, the tax protests have been an awakening for politicians. But you should fear they are like the drug addict waking up to what he did last night. They have the opportunity to reform, but they’ll likely succumb to the addiction to OPM (Other People’s Money) once again.
If only they had simply obeyed Indiana’s Constitution:
• We wouldn’t have our unfair mix of palace-like and crummy schools (see Article 8, section 1).
• We would tax only corporate property to maintain the Common Schools endowment (Article 8, section 2).
• Certainly, no homes could have been seized or sold to pay for tax debts (Article 1, section 22).
• And there couldn’t be ungoverned political spending and innumerable taxing “authorities” sinking us all into debt.
Politicians can change the Constitution but they are supposed to obey it. They have no more legal authority to “interpret” the Constitution than we have to “interpret” a speed limit.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance — against politicians. Yet, the fact is that the Rule of Law has been usurped while we in Indiana were intaxicated. We therefore must stay angry and keep asking our politicians this set of questions:
Will you now obey the laws that protect us from you? If you will not obey the Constitution, then by what authority do you rule over us? Is it only because you have all the armed forces and prisons? Because if that’s all . . . have you forgotten 1776?
Andrew Horning lives in Freedom, Ind., and works in the health industry. He was a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2004. Contact him at
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 23, 2007
Rep. David Orentlicher To Host Another Meeting Tomorrow Night
Tuesday, July 24, 7:00--8:30 pm: State Rep. David Orentlicher is hosting another community forum on property taxes . North United Methodist Church 3808 N. Meridian Street
in the Fellowship Hall located on the basement level of the church.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 23, 2007
The People Overwhelmingly Want Repeal of ALL Property Tax
Indy Star reports this morning that taxpayers who attended the forum this morning would clap loudly anytime the repeal of all property tax was mentioned. It also looks like some of the legislators are jumping on board with this idea too. The comments from readers seem to overwhelmingly support repeal of property tax too.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 23, 2007
TONIGHT: Monument Circle / City County Building March
There is a march from Monument Circle to the City County Building tonight (Monday) at 5pm. We are protesting Peterson's income tax hike that is up for a final vote tonight in city council. Bring signs and help us get government spending under control. Call your city councilor TODAY and tell them to vote against this tax increase and instead table it until we better understand where we are.
If you want to express your disapproval in person to the full council with the Mayor's latest proposed tax increase, please attend Monday night's city-county council meeting at the Public Assembly Room, which begins at 7:00 p.m. You should arrive early and attempt to speak to your councilor before he/she enters the room at the start of the meeting. There will be no public hearing tonight, as they were held last week to a packed room.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 23, 2007
Suggestions for Mayor's Budget Cuts
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 23, 2007
We Need Your Help
FLYER DISTRIBUTION: We're looking for volunteers to help with flyer distribution on the southside, eastside (especially Irvington) and the West and North sides.
ATTORNEYS: While we do not yet have a specific need for counsel, we still want to know who the attorneys are in the ranks of The People who would be willing to lend their expertise to serve The People should needs arise.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Indianapolis City Council Leadership Votes To Tax You More
Gary Welsh of Advance Indiana writes one of the best political blogs in the state. He is a real estate attorney who also does wills and trusts. He lives downtown in Lockerbie and is passionate about reporting on Indiana politics. He devotes a great deal of personal time to keep us informed. I appreciate his dedication.
Gary has followed the COIT (County Option Income Tax) proposal all along and knows the politics and the players at city hall. His blog with photos of last night's meeting is excellent. If you are just now starting to dig beneath the surface of our tax nightmare, Advance Indiana is always an insightful read.
Posted by
M Theory
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Indy Star Columnist Matt Tully Gets It Right
"Many assessors dared to turn in half-finished work even though they knew their inadequate job performance meant homeowners would get socked. It's hard to remember the last time we saw such an utter failure on the part of local government." Read the full article.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, July 20, 2007
Council members have personal stake in vote at tonight's meeting
This story is buried in the Indy Star today. Everyone needs to be aware of this. Please read the whole story and look at what the CCC is doing. There are some clear conflicts of interest in their votes to raise your taxes.
The City-County Council Administration and Finance Committee meets at 5 p.m.Hoosiers For Fair Taxation feels that holding this important meeting, which could determine a costly outcome for the taxpayer bosses, in Room 260 is an insult to The People. Room 260 only holds about 50 people.
today to consider a 65 percent income tax increase. For a person earning $50,000
a year in taxable income, the change would cost an additional $325 a year,
bumping the annual total to $825 from $500. The meeting is scheduled for Room
260 in the City-County Building, 200 E. Washington St.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, July 20, 2007
Peterson to Talk to Public Tomorrow
Mayor Bart Peterson will be the featured speaker at the Marion CountyAlliance of Neighborhood Associations' July meeting at
9 a.m. Saturday at North United Methodist Church,
3808 N. Meridian. Another protest rally is expected outside the meeting.
The meeting planners want to bring Peterson's mayoral opponent, Greg Ballard, in for a future public question & answer meeting.
Posted by
M Theory
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Indiana Tea Party -- Please Link This Announcement
July 19, 2007
Indiana Tea Party, 11am, July 28, 2007 at the Broad Ripple Canal:
The People of Indiana have been heard, but we’re not done talking.
While we applaud Mitch Daniel’s efforts to lessen the immediate impact of our governments’ fiscal irresponsibility, we need to make plain our demand that Indiana government no longer tax personal property.
And while we accept our duty to pay for just, responsible and governed government, we will no longer tolerate profligate spending that benefits only the elite few.
So in the spirit of responsible protest, and as an active petition for redress of grievances, we’re pitching our tax bills into the canal. It will be good, clean fun. But we’ll make a point that is, we think, unmistakable.
The People will be heard. From now on.
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, July 19, 2007
It appears The People see just how powerful they are to force change in government and they love it! We will continue to apply pressure on our politicians until they bend to the will of The People. If you know of an event that is not listed here, please email .
Thursday March 6th - 7:30 - 9:00pm
Sean Shepard, Jon Elrod, Andre Carson
University Place Conference Center Auditorium, 850 West Michigan Street.
Saturday March 1st, 1pm - Crown Point Indiana
Lake County Government Center - 2293 N. Main Street in Crown Point, IN
INDIANA TEA PARTY - LAKE COUNTY sponsored by Team Hammond Taxpayers' Group and Hoosiers For Fair Taxation will be a national and local media event. Bring your tax asessments or facsimilies to put in the giant tea bag to be dunked in the lake. Pitch forks and torches are welcome too! A delegation from Indianapolis will travel to Crown Point for the event. If you want to carpool, please call 317-938-8913 to coordinate. All are welcome.
Friday, February 1st at Noon - Indiana State House
Property Tax Repeal Rally sponsored by Hoosiers For Fair Taxation, representing ALL citizens in Indiana for property tax repeal. This rally gives forum to citizens who wish for all other agendas, including the marriage amendment, to be kept separate from property tax repeal. Tell legislators that your only agenda for this session should be property tax relief. Get cronyism and special interests out of our state government NOW ! Look for a banner that says:
IMPORTANT WEATHER UPDATE: Please check here Friday morning before 8:30 am to see if the rally is cancelled due to weather. We're expecting heavy sleet, ice, snow starting at 7pm tonight and continuing until at least noon tomorrow. --HFFT editor
Thursday, January 31st 7pm - Pleasant View Lutheran Church
801 W. 73rd St. (Corner of 73rd and Hoover Rd.)
Citizens For Education (CFE) Public Information Meeting about Washington Township Schools’ $183 million building plan
Saturday, January 19th 2:00 - 5:00pm - Indianapolis Motor Speedway
MAYOR BALLARD'S COMMUNITY LUAU - The public is invited. $5 donation requested to benefit the Boys & Girls' Clubs. Guests are also encouraged to bring a canned good for Gleaners Food Bank.
Tuesday, January 15th 6pm Indiana State House, 3rd floor
The People's Press Conference, "State of the State" address.
Families attend to speak about their perception of the "State of our state", property tax repeal, bloated budgets, antiquated government, and special interest pork projects to the press and legislators.
Thursday, January 10, 2008 7pm
Light of The World Church, 4646 Michigan Road
"People's Property Tax Forum"
Tuesday January 8, 2008, Indiana Statehouse Room 431
SENATE HEARING OF SJR 8 (Property tax repeal bill)
Supposedly public testimony will be heard, but we're expecting that the testimony that will be heard will be only from anti-repeal lobby groups and time will not allow testimony from individual members of the public with valid concerns for their lifetime security through home ownership in Indiana. We encourage the public to attend this important meeting. In lieu of public testimony, it is very effective to bring signs no bigger than 12" x 18" with succinctly stated and boldly presented positions regarding the immorality of property tax.
Wednesday December 12th, 7:00 pm
Indianapolis Washington Township School Board
Dean Evans Community & Education Center,
8550 Woodfield Crossing Blvd, Indianapolis
Let the educrats know that you do not appreciate them getting fat off your dime and block their proposed $200 million dollar expenditure....yet that's right! They want $200 more of your money! Bring signs and plan to work them over just like we took care of city county council last summer!
Sunday November 4th, 1:30 Broad Ripple Park (62nd Street)
If you and your family want lower taxes, safer neighborhoods, and local government accountability, meet us! Bring signs! Be creative! We will walk down Broad Ripple Avenue and back to the park. We feel the family voices need to be heard. Please forward this invitation. David & Michele Dessauer, organizers
Saturday November 3rd, 9am - 603 East Washington
A rally was called on the Indy Undercover expose site for Democrat Headquarters on Saturday morning as a counter rally to Peterson's "unity rally". Be there with your sign telling them it's time to go! Bring plenty of Ballard signs! Remember that Peterson has absolutely no grass roots support from The People, nor will Peterson talk with The People. At every opportunity Peterson does whatever he can to avoid talking directly with the citizens he is supposed to serve. This is a great way to remind Peterson that ordinary citizens know he's a fraud and is stealing our wealth. It's also an effective way to get the message out to passerbys.
Friday November 2nd, South Bend Indiana: Eric Miller Property Tax Repeal Rally. More information at (South Bend is planning an Indiana Tea party, watch for the date to be announced soon)
Saturday October 27th, 2:00 pm: "TAX SCAM SATURDAY" Monument Circle Protest Costume Rally. Bring signs. The "Scary City Council" will make an appearance.
Wednesday October 24th, 6:00 pm: The Great Property Tax Debate presented by Meridian Kessler Neighborhood Assocation @ North United Methodist Church on the corner of 38th and Meridian. MKNA believes that the best way to affect the outcome of this legislative session, and influence future City-County Council and Mayoral actions, is first to keep this issue at the forefront of neighborhood discussion, and second, to educate both our neighbors and those in power as to the many complex issues which currently form the debate over property taxes. We are not sure if the neighborhood association takes a pro property tax repeal stance or not.
Tuesday October 23rd, New Albany Indiana: Eric Miller Property Tax Repeal Forum. More information at (New Albany is planning an Indiana Tea party, watch for the date to be announced soon)
Tuesday October 23rd, 1pm - 5pm: The Howey Political Report Forum: Dialogue 2008
at the Madame Walker Theater
Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7pm Broad Ripple Neighborhood Association- Town Hall Meeting at the Indianapolis Art Center, 820 E. 67th St.Property taxes will be the main topic covered.
Monday, October 15, 2007, 7pm Greg Ballard and Bart Peterson debate Monday at Immanuel Church, corner of Prospect and East Streets
• Saturday October 13th, 11:30am:
Fort Wayne Fights Back and is protesting their local government's failure to control spending and their increased tax burden on Allen County Citizens. Meet at Freiman Squire (downtown Ft Wayne) and then 10 minute walk to river w/in sight of old fort on Lafayette St.
Invitation is open to anyone in the state of Indiana. Bring your tax assessments to put in the giant Indiana Tea Bag which will be dunked in the river. Ft. Wayne Tea Party Media Contacts
•Tuesday October 9th, 6:30pm: Meridian Street Foundation Annual Meeting Meridian Street Methodist Church, 5500 North Meridian -- Meet Mayoral Candidates Greg Ballard and Bart Peterson plus City Council District 8 Candidates Kurt Webber and Monroe Gray. This one should be lively! RSVP's Requested.
Thursday October 4th, 7:00 pm: WISH-TV presents Indianapolis Mayoral Debate with all three candidates. Jim Shella is moderator. The public is invited to submit questions by visiting this link.
• Wednesday October 3rd 5:30pm to 7pm: Non-partisan tax activists to photograph democratic fundraiser attendees at 1449 N. Pennsylvania Street in downtown Indianapolis. Click here for details. Bring video and/or digital cameras with high resolution capability. Signs citing details regarding the corruption surrounding city council contract awards are also welcomed.
• Sunday September 30, 5pm: Property Tax Forum 2 @ Light of the World Christian Church. Confirmed guests are Greg Ballard (candidate for mayor), Sherron Franklin (city county council), John Price (attorney-at-law), and Bart Peterson (mayor of Indianapolis)
• Thursday - Friday September 13 - 15: S.O.S. STATEWIDE YARD SALE "Sell Our Stuff to Save Our State". Yard sales to raise money to pay property taxes and show citizen unity in support of property tax repeal will be held throughout the state of Indiana.
• Thursday Sept 6th, 6pm: INDIANA TEA PARTY @ NFL Opening Game Meet at the Pan Plaza (across from the RCA Dome). Hoosiers from all over the state will bring their tax asessments (or facsimille) to place in the giant HOOSIERS FOR FAIR TAXATION tea bag and march in unity to the downtown canal to dunk them in protest of property tax.
• Monday August 27th, 5:30: City Council Meeting Budget Hearing. Bring signs to demand that the City Council overturn the July 23rd vote to increase your county income tax. The vote to raise your tax was not valid due to councilor Patrice Abdullah's (D) residency fraud. Make sure the People's demands are heard that we will not accept that tax increase!
• Monday August 27th, 1:00pm: Indiana’s Commission on State Tax and Financing Policy will examine the feasibility of eliminating property taxes at its fourth meeting of the summer. Sen. Luke Kenley (R-Noblesville), who chairs the commission, said the next meeting will include presentations on:proposals to reduce or repeal property taxes, how much replacement revenue would be needed, and experiences of other states efforts to significantly reduce property taxes.
The commission’s meetings are designed to hear testimony and seek ideas on reforming Indiana’s property tax system. The commission is working towards a bi-partisan plan that can be considered by the legislature for the 2008 session.
• Sunday August 26th, 5-8pm: PROPERTY & INCOME TAX FORUM Light of the World Christian Church 4646 Michigan Road CONFIRMED GUESTS: Dr. Craig Johnson, Indiana University Department of Public & Environmental Affairs, Indiana Senator Teresa Lubbers, Representative Vanessa Summers, Greg Ballard, Mayoral Candidate, and John Price, Attorney at Law
Indiana’s tax situation has to be on just about every citizen’s radar. Light of the World Christian Church wants to explore solutions to this issue. Our goal is to assist the government in their search for a solution. We pray that God continues to order our steps as we seek a solution that is not unfair to the taxpayer and still gives the government the revenue it needs to carry out city and statebusiness.
• Tuesday August 21st, 7pm: Join fellow Hoosiers for a Constitutional Conversation at Pershing Auditorium at the Indiana War Memorial in downtown Indianapolis. Featured speakers will be attorney John Price to explain case against Indiana's unconstitutional property tax system, economist Bill Styring to explain the need and method for replacing this onerous system, Andy Horning to inspire Constitutional appreciation and literacy, and Abdul Hakim-Shabazz (1430 AM) to promote active citizenry. Please attend and encourage other folks from your area to join us. Check Stopindiana and HoosiersForFairTaxation for details & updates.
• Monday August 13th, 1pm: The Commission on State Tax and Financing Policy will hold its next public meeting in Room 404 at the Statehouse.The agenda items will be:
1. Property tax abatements and exemptions
2. Remonstrances and referendums
3. Property tax limits in other states
• Monday August 13th, 9am: There's a property tax refund hearing at the Hancock County Courthouse, in Judge Culver's court; to consider the Marion County residents who either voluntarily or involuntarily (through mortgage co. escrows) paid the 2007 property tax bill. As you know, the Governor, on July 18th, eight days after the filing in Marion County, agreed to two of the demands, filed in that July 10th Complaint, reassessment and a roll back to the 2006 amounts. The final issue yet remaining is the refund issue. Please forward this announcement to your contacts and anyone you know with a refund issue, to attend this Monday's hearing in Greenfield.
• Friday July 20: Rally at 5pm in front of the City-County Building and City Council auditorium to block Peterson's tax hike. Also people are asked to fill the 2nd floor council auditorium to Force fiscal accountability from Peterson's administration and city council. Protesters outside on the sidewalk are asked to make signs of demonstration against Aaron Haith's action against a homeowner at Monday's meeting.
• Monday July 23: March from Monument Circle to City-County Building, 5 p.m & Wear Red
• Monday July 23: , in the Conference Center Auditorium of the Government Center South, first floor at 9:00 am.
• Saturday July 28: Hoosiers for Fair Taxation Tea Party
Broad Ripple Canal & Central Avenue 11am. Bring your assessments & wear Colts' attire.
• Tuesday July 24: Rep.David Orenlichter Forum at North Meridian Methodist Church,
3808 N. Meridian Street (Fellowship Hall) 7:30pm
• Monday July 30: Property Tax Repeal Rally presented by Advance America (Eric Miller's PAC), 7 p.m., Jonathan Byrd's Cafeteria, 100 Byrd Way, Greenwood.
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
URGENT: Cancel 2007 Escrow Payments with Your Mortgage Company
I called my mortgage company today to make sure they knew to pay the 2006 tax rate. I caught them just in time, they were preparing to pay the 2007 rate and raise my mortgage payment.
I advised them that they might want to flag all mortgages in Marion County to pay the 2006 rate to avoid an unncessary administrative nightmare. I had to talk a couple levels up in customer service to get the higher payment cancelled. My company is Countrywide.
Please tell everyone you know to do this.
-Melyssa, Fair Tax Volunteer
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
City-County Council Owes Resident An Apology
Thanks to attorney, Gary Welsh, at Advance Indiana for permission to reprint:
Jack Borgerding was among dozens of Indianapolis residents who took the opportunity to publicly testify at Monday night's meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee's hearing on Mayor Bart Peterson's proposed 65% increase in the income tax. The taxes on Borgerding's downtown home rose from $2,200 to $15,000. "Now you stand up and ask for an income tax increase," he was quoted in the Star as saying at a protest outside the city-county building prior to Monday night's meeting. "Enough is enough."
Borgerding delivered one of the most compelling and scathing attacks on the city-county council and the mayor for their failed leadership during the public testimony, but he didn't threaten anyone. He just gave the city-council members a piece of his mind and then he calmly returned to his seat. What happened next disturbed many members of the public in attendance at the meeting. As Borgerding returned to his seat, Committee Chairman JoAnne Sanders asked him to state his name for the record. Council attorney Aaron Haith can be seen on camera during the televised hearing standing up and summoning a police officer. Later, a man in uniform and another man are seen approaching Borgerding at his aisle seat. Borgerding is then escorted from the meeting by the two men. Several members of the audience become upset at Borgerding's removal and head for the door which Borderging has just been shown. An audible disturbance ensues off-camera.
An eyewitness to these events tells me that Borgerding did not do anything inappropriate other than to deliver one of the most articulate and effective condemnation's of the city-county council's past actions. The claim being made was that Borgerding was rude to a police officer, which is hard to believe according to this witness since the officer was on the other side of the room. This witness heard Haith say to the police officer, "Get him."
I believe the City-County Council owes Borgerding a public apology for his removal from Monday night's meeting. And if Mr. Haith was acting on his own authority in ordering his removal, the full council should reprimand Mr. Haith for a clear abuse of power. I suspect Mr. Haith was taking orders from one of the council members, and if he was, then that council member should be forced to publicly explain his/her actions to the full council and apologize personally to Borgerding. I'm frankly disappointed but not surprised the numerous members of the media present at Monday's night hearing haven't bothered following up on what happened.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Breaking News: 1st Victory for The People!
The Indy Star reports:
Gov. Mitch Daniels today ordered a full reassessment of all residential and
commercial properties in Marion County and appointed State Supreme Court Justice
Randall Shepherd and former Gov. Joe Kernan to head a panel to find solutions to
the property tax crisis.Sources close to the governor's office told The
Indianapolis Star that an outside vendor will be hired to reassess commercial
and industrial property, and local assessors will handle residential
property.For now, residents will be asked to pay their 2006 amounts, and after
reassessment is done, updated bills will go out.Marion County property owners
have seen average increases of 35 percent in their tax bills.The reassessment in
Marion County apparently ignored commercial properties, pushing homeowners'
bills even higher, Daniels said Tuesday.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
More Yard Signs in Stock Tomorrow!
The yard sign campaign is one of our most effective tactics. It is getting us lots of press. Even the Governor used our sign on his flyer that began circulating at the Black Sunday Rally. This is evidence we know he hears us.
Because so many more people are begging for signs, our good friends at Sullivan Hardware store will have more delivered tomorrow. Sullivan Hardware is located at 49th and Pennsylvania. HOOSIERS FOR FAIR TAXATION appreciates the great support we receive from Sullivan Hardware.
There are signs that we are winning the war. The Mayor and the City Council are very paranoid. Evidence of their paranoia was the placement of 75 armed guards at the City County building yesterday. Funny thing is that their guards are on the side of The People and are sworn to uphold the Constitution and defend The People.
We need to keep the rallies going until November. We CAN completely get property taxes repealed altogether if we continue to apply increasing pressure. That means we need to continue to take to the streets in greater numbers and make personal sacrifice to do so. We will continue to support the efforts of The People to protect their property from the government by assembling in public to protest and speak out against this oppression.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Got a Rally or Insider News Tip?
Chris Spangle says:
WXNT also publishes podcasts of important interviews so you do not miss anything vital.
Chris says it is ok for anyone to email or call him at anytime. The People thank you Chris!
Christopher Spangle
Newstalk 1430 WXNT
Abdul in the Morning Producer
Saturday Programming Producer
9245 N. Meridian St., Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46260
Direct: (317) 218-2286
Cell: (317) 716-8701
Fax: (317) 816-4060
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Calling Betsy Ross! Can You Sew?
7/17 UPDATE: We have our Betsy Ross volunteers . Thanks from The People for your service.
Can you sew? Do you have a couple hours to donate to the cause? If so, we need a seamstress to make our giant tea bag for the tea party coming up. Property owners will get to bring their asssessments to make tea in our giant tea bag. It will have to be HUGE because there are so many over-taxed citizens.
Call Melyssa 317-938-8913 after 6pm or email if you want to make the tea bag for us. It's a bonus if you live close to Broadripple or downtown.
After the tea party, the giant tea bag will become a roving art installation around the city as a reminder to all our elected officials who they serve.
The official INDIANA TEA PARTY announcement will come out this week. Don't make plans for July 28th. Your city calls.
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 16, 2007
Want to Organize a Tea Party?
We are here to help! Just email or call 317-938-8913 (after 6pm please) and we'll talk about how to get started. There is interest all over Indiana and it is important to the Indiana Tax Revolution that rallies happen all over Indiana, not just the capitol.
We will bring the giant INDIANA TEA PARTY teabag to dunk your town's property assessments and can customize the Indiana Tea Party marketing materials for your city. We'll even bring a delegation of patriots from the capitol to meet you. We can even alert the media and help with press releases for you.
Don't be shy. Your city, neighbors, and friends need you.
Fair Tax Volunteer
(that's me with the Indiana Flag at Black Sunday Rally!)
WRTV Channel 6
Indianapolis Star
WTHR Channel 13
WISH Channel 8
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Nearly 1000 People Protest Taxes Downtown!
Nearly a thousand people protested against the current tax situation today. Congregating at Monument Circle and later moving to the State House.
IndyStar has on line video.
The folks at put up Black Sunday Protest photos.
Sean Shepard's Black Sunday Protest on YOU TUBE.
Hoosiers for Fair Taxation's Sean Shepard, also met last week with The Governor's administration officials on July 12th and also spoke briefly at th Black Sunday Rally.
Also, it looks like the "Indiana Tea Party" is coming soon! Stay tuned to this spot!
Posted by
M Theory
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
July 9th Fair Tax 101 Meeting on You Tube
On July 9th, citizens met at Talbott Street for a Fair Tax 101 primer. Thanks to Andy Horning, Sean O'Neil, Sean Shepard, Abdul Hakim-Shabazz, and Travis Cross for directing the meeting.
Thanks also to realtor Belinda Wood who helped secure the facility for us to hold the meeting. We felt the media did a good job of reporting the meeting.
Posted by
M Theory
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Fair Tax Bill in Georgia Legislature HB 66
Here's how the bill reads:
Posted by
M Theory
Saturday, July 14, 2007
1-877-829-7462 TAX PINCH
The front-page story on property taxes in the July 16, 2007 issue of The IFBulletin contains an error that we need to correct immediately.
The CORRECT toll-free phone number to call to tell Farm Bureau about your property taxes is:
We will run a correction in the July 30, 2007 issue of The IFBulletin, as well as make every effort to publicize the correct number in other venues. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and ask you to help us disseminate the correct number as much as you can.
Lew Middleton
Director of Public Relations
Indiana Farm Bureau
P.O. Box 1290
225 South East Street
Indianapolis, IN 46206
Office: 317-692-7818
Cell: 317-694-0493
Fax: 317-692-7854
Posted by
M Theory
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Entertaining Podcast Interviews with Politicians, Bureaucrats, & Problem Solvers
Bookmark Abdul Hakim-Shabazz' podcast page to get up to speed quickly with Marion County politics relative to property tax. He is friend to the Fair Tax folks and is considered one of the most influential political journalists in Indiana. Listen to his show live Monday through Friday on WXNT AM1430, 6am to 10am.
Abdul should have the Press Conference held yesterday by Governor Daniels on the podcast page soon. The Governor definitely heard us!
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Upcoming Property Tax Events
• Sunday 7/15: "Black Sunday." Supporters will wear black to show unity and carry signs to "let them know how you feel" on holding local government accountable. The rally will be at Monument Circle from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Several groups seeking tax reform are organizing the event.
Also attending:
Congressman Dan Burton's Representative, Hobart Scales
Tim McGuire, Candidate for City Council-at-Large (Libertarian)
Kurt Webber, Candidate for City Council District 8 (Republican)
Fair Tax Volunteers & Supporters
• Monday 7/16: Hoosiers for Fair Taxation, which held the first rally on the 4th of July at the governor's mansion, will demonstrate at 5:30 p.m. at the City-County Building in Downtown Indianapolis. Bring signs and speak your mind about excessive local taxation andMayor Peterson's proposed large county income tax increase at the public hearing at City Hall.
• Monday 7/23, 5 pm: Monument CircleWear a red shirt and bring a poster or for sale sign. Everyone will march east on Market Street to the City Council meeting at 7 p.m.
• Monday 7/23 9am: Public hearing on property taxes in the auditorium of the Indiana Government Center South, 402 W. Washington St.
• Wednesday 7/18 5pm 24-Hour News 8 Tax Town Meeting
Dedicating entire 5pm newscast to the matter. If you'd like to share your property tax concerns and questions, click here to send in an email.
• Monday 7/23, 7:30-9pm: "Taxing Time: A Town Hall Meeting,"
Presented by The Indianapolis Star and WTHR (Channel 13)
University Place at IUPUI, 850 W. Michigan St.
A panel of elected officials and community leaders will answer questions and concerns.
WTHR will broadcast the event live.
• State representative David Orentlicher Public Forums
Tuesday, July 17, 7-8:30 p.m.
John W. Hensel Government
10701 N. College Ave.
Tuesday, July 24, 7-8:30 p.m.
MLK Multi-Service Center
40 W. 40th St.
Posted by
M Theory
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Want to Throw Fair Tax Rally Where You Live?
You want to plan a rally where you live but don't know where to begin? No worries, Hoosiers For Fair Taxation can help! It is important that Hoosier voices are heard at rallies in cities all over Indiana. Just drop us an email and we'll help you get started, answer questions, write press releases, send materials, and even send representatives to help. The tax crisis in Indiana affects all of us and we're here to educate all of Indiana's citizens about Fair Tax reform. Please put "I want to organize a rally" in the subject line.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Fair Tax Volunteers Needed for Black Expo Booth
We need volunteers to work the Fair Tax booth at Black Expo. Ideally we need about 30 people to work 2 - 4 hour shifts on July 21 and July 22.
It is important to Fair Tax that we reach out to all communities in Indiana.
If you want to volunteer, please email and put "Black Expo" in the subject line.
Be part of the solution!
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
For Sale By Owner Due to UnFair Taxation Yard Signs Arrived Today !
Be sure to thank them and do your shopping at Sullivan Hardware. They are a great neighbor and tremendous asset to our neighborhoods.
Posted by
M Theory
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Peterson to raise your county payroll tax while giving raises to inept public officials
The City County Building Rally is on Monday, July 16th at 5:30 pm. Arrive early if you want, it will be packed with citizens angry that their local government is not listening to the people who are paying the bills.
Not only is Peterson's administration trying to raise your income tax, but he wants to give raises to certain public officials based on merit. Some, not all, of these individuals include the coronor (who cremates the wrong body), the assessor (who didn't get bills out on time), and last but certainly not least, Beth White (who failed to give everyone in Marion County the right to vote in last May's election fiasco).
We need the 1,000's of Hoosiers who are outraged about gross disregard of the people's money to show up at City Hall and let your councilors know exactly how you feel.
Please contact your city councilor before Monday and make it clear you expect them to vote against Peterson's tax increase.
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Message from The Governor to The People
Our good friend, Brian Howey of Howey Politics, sent this statement from the Governor.
Gov. Mitch Daniels released a statement Monday evening saying he was "dismayed" by skyrocketing property taxes in Marion and other counties, ordered the Department of Local Government to explore ways to allow Hoosiers to pay huge bills in installments, and said he was "exploring some ideas with legislative leaders about how a special session might provide immediate relief directly to property taxpayers who have been especially hard hit." Daniels had been on vacation when property tax bills with double and triple digit increases began hitting property owners in Indianapolis. During that time, more than 1,500 people in two separate protests in front of the Governor's Mansion closed down Meridian Street. Daniels said, “I kept in close touch with events during my week of family vacation, and like everyone am dismayed about the size of residential property tax increases in Marion and some other Indiana counties. Obviously, increases of the magnitude some homeowners are facing are unacceptable and we must look for immediate help and long-term reform." The governor said, "Local assessment that claims Marion County home values grew 19 percent faster than commercial property is another obvious factor in Indianapolis’ acute problem. Although the cause of the problem is local, state government has tried repeatedly over 35 years to relieve the property tax burden on Hoosier citizens. Through sales and income taxes, the state already provides more than $2 billion annually -- a quarter of total property taxes -- to subsidize local government spending. The recent legislature dedicated another half billion dollars to this purpose, and also gave localities major new flexibilities to reduce property taxes and replace them with income taxes. This new power to reduce property taxes has not yet been used in Marion or any other county." Daniels said he has directed the Department of Local Government Finance to approve any county’s application to permit homeowners to pay their property taxes in installments and to extend bill due dates. I have ordered the Indiana Bond Bank to facilitate short-term financing." As for a possible special session of the Indiana General Assembly, Daniels said, "I have instructed DLGF to probe the unexplained disparity between residential and commercial reassessment in many counties, taking follow-on action if warranted. The state will not approve pending budget orders until commercial and industrial real estate assessments have been further analyzed. DLGF also will notify localities that upcoming budgets that spend above the rate of inflation will be rejected until spending is under control. Pending and future bond issuances also will be held in problem counties." And the governor promised to take a long view of what has been described as a crisis. "Looking ahead, some costs now borne locally, such as the child welfare levy, can be shifted to state government, never forgetting that the money all comes from the same taxpayers," Daniels said. "The bottom line is there can be no solution without greater control of local spending and borrowing. That means greater scrutiny by taxpayers and by state government, and it means fundamental reform for the long term. We have far too many layers, elected offices, geographic units, school districts and overhead. I will have more to say on this subject in a week or so.”
Posted by
M Theory
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Indiana FairTax Proposal -- by Sean Shepard
Sean Shepard is one of the Indiana State FairTax Directors and he writes:
The recent property tax disaster has opened the door for an idea thats time has come. Replacing the multi-tiered (income, property, sales) tax system in Indiana with a single-rate sales/consumption tax on NEW goods and services.
There is a Federal proposal in Washington D.C. that currently has 60 co-sponsors in Congress, and Michigan and Georgia have also been looking at a similar plan for their states; but, there is now a tremendous opportunity for Indiana to lead the nation in tax reform and make itself an economic powerhouse at the same time.
Before getting into the details we have to get a few basic truths and principals out of the way.
- Only people pay taxes. Corporations only pay taxes to the extent that they have collected them from the people who buy their products.
- Property taxes are woefully regressive and create an environment where a person can never truly own their property because they have to "rent" it from their government each year. As in item 1 above, a landlord paying more in property taxes must pass that cost onto his tenants so even renters end up paying property taxes indirectly.
- That encouraging people to save money and not spend it all is a good idea.
- That all people, regardless of immigration status or "legality of vocation" (ie: whether or not what you do for a living is legal) should pay their share.
- That something needs to change and "tinkering around the edges" isn't enough.
If we can agree on those items, or at least three out of five than there is no reason not to support the Indiana State FairTax proposal (or even the national version). If we can't agree on these things, please read "Economics in one Lesson by Hazlitt" and "Federalist #21 by Alexander Hamilton" and then see if you've been persuaded.
So we start by eliminating property taxes, this alone would save 1-3% of most family's entire income that is current paid in taxes. Then we get rid of the 3.4% State Income and 1.0% (Marion County) Local Income Taxes. So, right off the top we've eliminated 6.4% of what people EARN. And don't forget, Mayor Peterson is asking for 1.65% in Marion County, a 65% tax increase!
We then increase the State Sales Tax to what would most likely be something in the 11% range (let's say 11.5%) instead of the current 6% on what people SPEND for NEW goods and services and we institute a "PREBATE" to all residents based solely on family size. For a typical family of four this pre-bate would probably be something close to $200 or maybe $250 a month.
The intent of the "prebate" is to zero-out the taxes that would be paid by poverty level people for the necessities (food, shelter, medicine) of life. EVERYBODY gets the prebate regardless of income since, remember, we're no longer telling the state how much we made just how many people are in our household. As someone spends above the poverty level, the percentage they effectively pay in taxes increases. This is the simplist way to implement this so that the politicians have fewer things to tinker with and fewer favors to offer "friends".
The effects of this would be as follows:
- One tax system, easy to understand and easily visible on every receipt.
- Taxed only once on NEW products and services (used goods not taxed).
- Money is no longer "withheld" before you ever see it.
- Prebate provides equal tax relief to all families and zero-tax liability for the poor.
- Only people at the higher end of the spending/consumption curve pay the full rate.
- Education would be tax-free.
- Broadens the tax base to ensure illegal immigrants and "underground economy" pay.
- No need to file a tax return. It is no longer the states business how much you made.
- Tax is now optional. You choose to pay taxes when you buy something.
- Savings can be done with pre-tax dollars. Save money faster.
- Interest and dividends would no longer be taxed. Save for retirement faster!
- Decreases the tax burden on real property, increasing values.
- Eliminates uncertaintly in planning for a persons tax burden.
- Makes Indiana an IDEAL place for savings, investment and job creation.
- Businesses would have an incentive to move operations here and create jobs.
- No more "special tax deals" needed to lure those businesses here.
- Reduces cost of compliance for individuals and employers.
- Reduce size of State government by leveraging existing Sales Tax enforcement.
Now, of course, there will be people who dislike this idea because they don't like some aspect of it. What about all of the aspects of the current system we all dislike? We should never let perfect get in the way of better.
For more information go to:
For informtion on the national version visit: or
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 09, 2007
You Tube: Independence Day Press Conference @ Governor's Residence
Thanks to Sean Shepard, one of Indy's Fair Tax Directors, for posting videos of the press conference on You Tube for us.
You Tube Videos of Tax PRally.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Posted by
M Theory
Monday, July 09, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Optimistic News
We have friends in high places!
There is confirmed, very high-level interest from three state legislators…and one Governor!
We are soliciting help from the national Fair Tax folks as well as from some Hoosier econ PhDs to as quickly as possible, prepare the best, most thorough state tax proposal anybody has ever seen.
I am so happily surprised, impressed and optimistic about this that it’s hard to believe it’s politics!
Please call your reps. Ask them to learn more about Fair Tax. And thank our Governor for the interest he’s shown in our common goal of real tax reform.
Andrew Horning, RDCS
7851 Pleasant Hill Road
Freedom, IN 47431
Posted by
M Theory
Saturday, July 07, 2007